
Should it be enforced.

20 (17.1%)
97 (82.9%)

Total Members Voted: 117

Author Topic: Can the "No Ban Evasion" rule please be re-enforced?  (Read 9804 times)

its not enforced that strictly because it gives badspot money and he can make them pay him more money by just banning them again

i think it should be enforced

...you realize almost noone has a static IP anymore? I could simply click a button on my router and it'll change.
gee i wonder how i could do that on my arris tg862G, doesn't seem so when its coming from comcast!

Why should it?
It's free entertainment and gets Badspot a bit more dosh.

The people that evade bans right after they are banned

there was a thing a while ago where Maxxi like did some thing involving cancer and chlorine and hating furries (can you knot btw?)
he got banned for being a bit of a negative nelly. And then he came back not even before the 2 week ban was over.It totally defeats the point of the ban. You know, to teach the offender a lesson that they're being completely really and utterly not nice.
Like, 2 weeks? That's 14 days. Can you really not go 14 days without getting DAT FORUM FIX???

Hell, on the worst of days when Taboo would get banned, he would be back the very next day.

The bans are there for a reason, it's a big keep out sign!
noedit; i agree because of this part mostly

Why should it?
It's free entertainment and gets Badspot a bit more dosh.
so you like the forums being stuff up constantly?

noedit; i agree because of this part mostly
because it has my name on it
do you know how biased that is to the topic at all?

before you spout some stuff with unreasonable gibberish, please take the time to read this post:
inever got banned, everyone got mad at the chlorine argument, i flipped stuff, bought an alt and tried to just go under the radar except i had to deal with 30 people trying to point out what my alt was. eventually resulting in me being found out because the whole loving forum went detective mode.
also, to be completely honest, what i said wasn't the pinnacle of being an starfish on this forum, there's far worse.
on the flipside:
can we all agree that if someone goes under the radar and leaves and buys a new alt or some stuff, that we don't track him down and stress them out even more?
even when they didn't get banned?
what is it going to do? when someone tries to pull off the stuff that accumulated on their shoulders and give themselves however many chances they please, people have to just try and find that person and put the weight back on their shoulders. it stresses them out and drives away new users that probably look at this forum seeing a group of people attack someone else for one thing they did wrong, they already have to deal with the probable defect that they flipped the table, and cost themselves a leg.


  • Administrator
Oh christ, max is gonna blow.  Again.

Look at this stuff:

to be completely honest, what i said wasn't the pinnacle of being an starfish on this forum,
That's your defense?  That you weren't literally the worst person to ever post on the forum?  Nice.  Gold star.  Nobel prize for internet.

don't track him down and stress them out even more?
Ah, I see, it's all the fault of society.  Simple accountability is just too much to bear for nutbags, so there should be no accountability?

it stresses them out and drives away new users that probably look at this forum seeing a group of people attack someone else for one thing they did wrong

Oh that old chestnut.  We'd be the next facebook if only we let people get away with being jerks.  It's an extension of the "i'm a paying customer therefore let me stuff on the table" argument.  Hilariously, you'll probably argue that not enough people are banned for being jerks, that's why we're not the next facebook.  This happens with every habitual offender - there's no standard at all, there's only me vs them - "punish them let me go" - "no you're doing it wrong punish them! badspot you're a jerk!"

badspot smashes another problem
don't even bother responding, maxxi

because it has my name on it
do you know how biased that is to the topic at all?
uh no because it raises a valid point, you just happened to be an example

aka not biased to the topic at all

I think badspot's new avatar is fitting

returning banned users have to buy new keys which makes badspot money