Author Topic: Who here dislikes trans people?  (Read 41092 times)

what the forget is this thread

I keep reading this drama's title from the front page and it cuts off at "tr..." so I think it's gonna say something like trees
and I know for sure that no one here likes trees

I keep reading this drama's title from the front page and it cuts off at "tr..." so I think it's gonna say something like trees
and I know for sure that no one here likes trees
firrys are gross

I keep reading this drama's title from the front page and it cuts off at "tr..." so I think it's gonna say something like trees
and I know for sure that no one here likes trees
yeah like what have they done for us huh?? nothing that's what

i dont dislike trans people i dislike people who make a big deal out of it

if youre trans, great your trans, but dont come waving it in my face like you're a special member of society or something

not saying you do that though, just how i look at it

The number of people who think transgender is just "wow i rly want to be girl now" is astounding

You're mixing up Ethanol and Alcohol
The alcohol that's mixed into things that you drink is 'ethyl' alcohol, which is produced by yeast. The yest eat some kind of sugar or starch and turn it into carbon dioxide and alochol. In wine, the yeast eats the sugar in grape juice to create alcohol.

Ethanol that you purchase as a fuel is the same kind of alcohol found in whiskey, but it has been distilled to the point where it is nearly pure alcohol (as opposed to whiskey which is typically only 40% alcohol and 60% water).
Ethanol and ethyl alcohol are two different names for the exact same thing. Look it up.

You're mixing up Ethanol and Alcohol
The alcohol that's mixed into things that you drink is 'ethyl' alcohol, which is produced by yeast.

Ethanol that you purchase as a fuel is the same kind of alcohol found in whiskey, but it has been distilled to the point where it is nearly pure alcohol (as opposed to whiskey which is typically only 40% alcohol and 60% water).
Lol, you don't know what you're talking about at all.

All alcohols are hydrocarbons with a hydroxyl group. Ethanol is an alcohol because it's an ethane chain with a hydrogen swapped for a hydroxyl group bonded to either end. Ethanol also ends in -anol which is the common OC naming suffix for alcohols. Furthermore, ethanol and ethyl alcohol are literally just different names for the same compound.

Anyway, if you're the type of person to harass someone online for an identity that they were born with, you're an starfish. Regardless of whatever preconceptions or views you have about gender or love, you don't get free license to harass someone because how they present themselves differs from how you view them. That's called being a bigoted richard.

I hear you on this one so allow me to give my 2 cents,

My take:

I'm not going to pretend to understand what someone is feeling regarding their body and gender dysphoria (or identifying as transgender). That said though, I'm able to rationalize the principle of claiming the title of "other"; as it pertains directly to the concept of internal human condition.

Maybe all of this understanding is a product of experience and environment? (I'm connected to a very well known school in Massachusetts which is very proactive for LGBT rights and I live in Cambridge of all places) Probably, although my guess is it runs deeper.

I work part time as a bartender, I hear a lot of views and voices of opinion. I judge, but not as a bigot. Identity is not a character flaw.

I'd say I avoid labeling people with clinical titles (i.e mtf/ftm trans, transgirl, transguy), gender pronouns, and don't view people as such as "weaker" individuals. Most importantly to me, I listen when someone tells me their story.

As for the rest:

For the most part this is a forum containing teens living under someone elses' roof, I'm not at all surprised by the bigotry. Essentially this is a tiny demographic of tumblr's awful opinionated starfishs although without nearly as many richard pics (albeit many pictures of richardheads).

I wouldn't let this tiny microscopic portion of the internet get to you, nothing said here has changed a person's outlook on life and we all know it (THANK GOD). I like you because you've always been very genuine, even when I was just another starfish posting on a block game forum circa 2007.



I hear you on this one so allow me to give my 2 cents,

My take:

I'm not going to pretend to understand what someone is feeling regarding their body and gender dysphoria (or identifying as transgender). That said though, I'm able to rationalize the principle of claiming the title of "other"; as it pertains directly to the concept of internal human condition.

Maybe all of this understanding is a product of experience and environment? (I'm connected to a very well known school in Massachusetts which is very proactive for LGBT rights and I live in Cambridge of all places) Probably, although my guess is it runs deeper.

I work part time as a bartender, I hear a lot of views and voices of opinion. I judge, but not as a bigot. Identity is not a character flaw.

I'd say I avoid labeling people with clinical titles (i.e mtf/ftm trans, transgirl, transguy), gender pronouns, and don't view people as such as "weaker" individuals. Most importantly to me, I listen when someone tells me their story.

As for the rest:

For the most part this is a forum containing teens living under someone elses' roof, I'm not at all surprised by the bigotry. Essentially this is a tiny demographic of tumblr's awful opinionated starfishs although without nearly as many richard pics (albeit many pictures of richardheads).

I wouldn't let this tiny microscopic portion of the internet get to you, nothing said here has changed a person's outlook on life and we all know it (THANK GOD). I like you because you've always been very genuine, even when I was just another starfish posting on a block game forum circa 2007.


this guy knows whats up
were all friends

I don't agree with getting trans surgeries, but I in no way hate or dislike them for it. No reason for anyone to hate on people about it.

I don't care what you do or who you are as long as you're not an starfish
but i know i dont like you

wow we are soooo mean for sharing our opinion jesus hates us we're sorry for our sins praise the lord

i don't really care
doesn't affect me