Author Topic: CHILL AF AS forget REVAMPED  (Read 3375 times)

I'm doing better in csgo comp

it feels good to top-frag in almost every match

i'm doing pretty well.  i'm chilling at my dad's for the summer.  what kind of sucks though is that he lives in a different state than my mom, which is where my friends are, including this girl i've been talking to.  we both like each other and all, hell she's sent me them good pics on snapchat but we're not official or anything, and i can't see her, or hang out with my other friends, kinda sucks.  but i get to see my dad and his side of the family, which is good, family is important.

so overall?  i'm pretty chill i guess.  chill af.

I too am become chill

im chilling at my house building an awesome space destroyer, which I call the Gyoza, on StarMade.

everything is going good so far
gf ain't mad, family relations good
not really anything to worry about besides getting sleep before football

everything is pretty bad right now
sister's still dislike me for whatever reason
my dad questions why i want to make money at the age of 12
sisters are dealing with legal issues
and my friends aren't able to go anywhere, so thats a plus
tl;dr, i'm having a pretty stuffty time

my dad questions why i want to make money at the age of 12
to fund your obsession of making assumptions

i have a gf now which is chill
we made a bunch of margaritas and watched bad movies a couple days ago, was very chill

just started true detective, chill af as forget show

im startin college this fall at stanford and im nervous as stuff but my friends there are chill af as forget so thats chill

my ass itches, which is not chill at all

update: got it

Slept for 15 hours, napped for an extra 3 hours. My life is really boring.

just woke up and i am fine

i am chill af as forget right now because my room is 70 -/+ 5 degrees right now what the forget

i am chill af as forget right now because my room is 70 -/+ 5 degrees right now what the forget
get a blanket u nerd

Got a new deck and bolts for my skateboard and made some designs on it, also bought a bunch of spray paint and am gonna make up some stencils.
chill af

well now there's a lot of thunder and lightning here
not quite chill