Author Topic: Name Completion & Some More  (Read 6054 times)

Name Completion
When you use your third person bind if you have the chat open it tries to take the last word you've typed and turn it into a player's name on the server. If it can't find one it'll just toggle third person.

Wider Centerprint
Makes the centerprint the size of your screen, so if something is <just:right> or left it will actually be on the left of your screen. This makes HUDs on servers less intrusive. Normal center printed messages will not be affected by this add-on. Example from Kong's server.

Note that if your max chat lines is more than 11 it will go into the centerprint.

Lets any admin teleport up to six players in the spot they are looking. (/teleport Crown Skill4life Niblic etc)

Vehicle Timeout
Allows any superadmin to setup a vehicle timeout by using the command
/vehicleTimeout <variable> <value>
For example, if the timeout is set to 60 seconds and you exit your vehicle, it starts a timer to remove it unless you re-enter within time given time frame.
The second variable you can set is smartcleaner which makes it so the timer is only started if the server needs vehicles. So if you set it to 3 and the max vehicles on the server was 20, it would only start the timer if there were 17 vehicle on the map.

Enable All Add-Ons
Adds a button to let you enable all add-ons in the start game menu. Between the Default and None buttons.

Hide Toggle Mouse TIP
This add-on removes the "TIP: Press M to toggle mouse and click on links" text when a link appears or you have your mouse on, as most of us know already how to do this.

No Hammer Vehicles
Makes it so when you hammer vehicles nothing happens. Usually it adds velocity.

Server List on Disconnect
When you disconnect from a server it will open the server list.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 10:32:17 PM by Crøwn »

Nice stuff, but you should fix Client_ServerListOnDisconnect .zip:

Also, you probably want to ensure it doesn't come up when changing gamemodes (a check if the variable has a value should do this).

Whoops my bad, fixed. Totally forgot about that.

Really useful. There's also an in-game server switcher add-on that loads the server list with a keybind. I forget where I found it, but I use it a lot.

You should add an ALL keyword to the teleport add-on.

This is amazing.  Needed the <just> stuff for a long time.  Many thanks!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 12:19:24 PM by SWAT One »

Bullstuff. They're just add-ons.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 01:15:59 AM by dargereldren »

Here's what I use to finish names.
Code: [Select]
function newPlayerListGui::finishName(%this, %name)
if(trim(%name) $= "")
return "";

%count = NPL_List.rowCount();

return "";

for(%i = 0; %i < %count; %i++)
%rowName = getField(NPL_List.getRowText(%i), 1);

if(getSubStr(%rowName, 0, strLen(%name)) $= %name)
%match = %rowName;

if(%matchingCount > 1)
%this.finishNameError = 2;

return "";

if(%match $= "")
%this.finishNameError = 1;

return "";

return %match;

Bullstuff. They're just add-ons.
whatever your browser is probably just doesn't trust the hosting site

whatever your browser is probably just doesn't trust the hosting site
oddly enough, i tried a link or two from somewhere else and it worked fine without any issues
edit: tried another add-on (not from this topic, of course), still blocked

also my browser is Firefox 40
« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 09:02:22 AM by dargereldren »

I was just trying to make it like findClientByName, do you think yours would be better?