Author Topic: Should I get Elite: Dangerous?  (Read 3819 times)

I don't have much money for Steam games but Elite: Dangerous looks fantastic so gimme some advice forums

my taste in games:
I don't like first person shooters. If a game has shooting that doesn't mean it's bad, but a game like Call of Duty is boring.
I love RPGs. My favorite games are Skyrim and Warband, both medieval RPGs.
I also love Strategy games like Civ 5 or FTL.
My favorite genre is Fantasy but I also like Sci-Fi.
I really like Euro Truck Simulator, but I am a terrible driver and get in so many collisions I quit a lot.
I enjoyed Starmade but felt like it was a little dull.
I love large open-worlds in games.

I figure I should like Elite: Dangerous because I enjoy RPGs and it looks like it has a lot of choices in criminal/trading/mercenary activity. It looks like it has long stretches with not much to do other than listen to podcasts and stuff like Euro Truck Simulator, but I should enjoy it more because I don't constantly have to dodge terrible AI drivers. I figure the world is gonna be pretty dull because while it's huge it's just floating orbs you gotta stay really far away from. The combat isn't too-FPS-y right? I honestly can't tell if most of it is automated or machine-handled or if I actually have to snipe the enemy with every little bullet.

Please don't write: "YES GET IT" just because you are a fan. I dislike a lot of games with strong fanbases like Minecraft and Half-Life 2.
Anyway I don't want to waste $60 so please give me advice, forums. Thanks!

Depends. You have to grind really hard for money and it gets bored p quick tbh.
Its a pretty cool game but I would refund if I could
wait for no mans sky instead

tbh no man's sky isn't that impressive. congrats you managed to make procedurally generated planets. minecraft beat you to that by a decade.

no. its pay to win
I believe your thinking of star citizen.

tbh no man's sky isn't that impressive. congrats you managed to make procedurally generated planets. minecraft beat you to that by a decade.
It's almost as if you are saying Minecrafts procedural generation is even close to the level of No Man's Skys (Or at least what we have seen of it).

It's not really FPS-y, you are in first person in a roosterpit but the ships dont allow you to track targets as well as you can in something like cod.
The only real RPG aspects are upgrading and buying new ships and the new-ish powerplay faction rank stuff that i dont know much about
It's closer to FTL than Civ5 in terms of strategy since yo uhave to balance power and heat and modules and all that
The only time you'd have to worry about crashing is when docking at a station
It's extremely large and openworld except there isnt much in it considering you're in empty space most of the time.
It can be boring depending on what you're doing. Trading drives me to insanity if I do it for too long but unfortunately its the fastest way to make money. Combat and other stuff are still viable options too though.
How combat goes depends on your loadout, there's fixed, gimballed, and turreted weapons that all change how you have to aim.

Frontier has promised a lot with it, however when the stuff like planetary exploration, being able to exit your ship, and having multiple players crewing a ship is gonna come is a mystery as far as I'm concerned. With the current state of the game there's a decent chance you'll lose interest before any of that arrives, but there's a chance im wrong. Player interaction is generally what kept me playing, cruising along with other players and hunting down pirates is fairly engaging.

tl;dr dont expect constant action and infinite content, or a consistently positive experience. It's definitely a fun game from my perspective but I haven't touched it in over a month as I found myself getting bored with constant grinding. If you're willing to be patient then it could become something incredible, as of right now its only fairly neat in my own opinion. The graphics are really good though.

i think i'm gonna play it for under 2 hours and then refund it if it's dull. or would that be too small of a time period to draw an assumption?

The game is huge. You cant rate it in just 2 hours. You wouldnt get further than a sidewinder.

Been playing for 4-5 hours and it's really fun so far. I can see how it would be grindy but if you choose a path of piracy or bounty hunting it looks like an exciting game.

Honestly the flight times are minimal. Idk if it would even be possible for them to shorten the times. I really don't understand the complaints.

It's almost as if you are saying Minecrafts procedural generation is even close to the level of No Man's Skys (Or at least what we have seen of it).
tbh, no man's sky (from what we've seen) has a p bad engine with "detail layers". this causes INCREDIBLY annoying pop-ins.
it also will probably rely a lot on ram more than it really needs to, which is probably why the ps4 looks like it is dying in rendering stuff

In the beginning its really fun but after a while it gets boring af and you wont even look at the game anymore

tbh, no man's sky (from what we've seen) has a p bad engine with "detail layers". this causes INCREDIBLY annoying pop-ins.
it also will probably rely a lot on ram more than it really needs to, which is probably why the ps4 looks like it is dying in rendering stuff
forgetin' this. We've seen so little of NMS that it's kind of unnerving to me. I'm waiting for them to start actually demoing it in depth so we can see what we're actually getting.