
who is the worst fucking asshole ever to live

Aleksander (PurpleMetro)
Fede (F3d323)
TeeOS & Tracker (TeeOS)
The Admiral (Landmineman4000²)
Cupcake (Neon)
The Representative & Asterismos (KelBlock)
Jet & Creampuff (WaffleCake)
Densitron (Glass Joe)
Tanner (Tudoreleu)
Bellator Vox and Co. (PowerDag)
Red & Kerberus (TheKid)
Apacheblitz (Niblic²)
Silico (Kochieboy)
"Queen" Dewals (*Facepalm*)
Flat (Flatflyer)
Sevacre (Lady Sevacre)
The Terrorist (Lady Sevacre)
Richard (Lady Sevacre)
Clockman (Kimon²)
Stephen (Doughboy)

Author Topic: Comic Collab Brawl V3.5: DEEPER SPACE  (Read 27218 times)

He meets some cool folk!

« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 11:22:37 PM by Kidalex90 »

uh, when were you accepted?

kidalex i don't think you caught the memo -- you have to be accepted before you can actually post comics
please take a minute to actually read the OP instead of just jumping in

cant get in that clique clique clique clique

kidalex i don't think you caught the memo -- you have to be accepted before you can actually post comics
please take a minute to actually read the OP instead of just jumping in
i know

uh. then why did you post a recap?
i have no idea.  i'll just change it "nvm" until i get accepted
« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 11:22:29 PM by Kidalex90 »

because he a bad boy and he don't follow no rules

Where is Purplemetro? I've been trying to get in touch with him to get accepted. Sev tells me he hasn't been on chat for at least what I figure to be the last >36 hours. Nevermind.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 10:40:10 AM by Admiral Obvious »

translation - where do you come from? where are you going? where are you between? between two extremes, between two extremes
stephen is here