Author Topic: who is Iban and why is he ban on sight?  (Read 76027 times)

This kid seriously does have alt obsessions though:

Out of the blue he sent me this claiming that I'm some alt:

"What's your problem?"

Actually I may have goofed with who i thought he was. I think I confused Maxx's alt he lent out's name Bin for Bim, so you can scratch out those first two names. All the same, now we've got the real two he had.

Actually I may have goofed with who i thought he was. I think I confused Maxx's alt he lent out's name Bin for Bim, so you can scratch out those first two names. All the same, now we've got the real two he had.
you may also realize that he claims that he is not Ms. Terra

an starfish on a different account is still an starfish
Ex: Maxx, Bim, BDX, you
Anyone can throw 10 bucks at a screen and get a new name. It doesn't change who they are. Especially if they managed to get banned permanently multiple times. I have no sympathy or respect for someone who has so little control over themselves that they can't keep an account on a lego forum.
I mean I haven't really started any stuff since the Badspot thing, but that's cool.

You just hound people. I remember when Ike would do the same thing. Yeah sure they got banned. Maybe they deserved it; maybe they didn't, but at least let them get themselves caught instead of just running to Baddy. stuffs creepy dude. Get a new hobby.

at least let them get themselves caught
And why should I do that? If they're a stuffhead, and if telling people that the person is a stuffhead that they remember, the only thing I'm doing is encouraging transparency. Everyone deserves the right to know who they're talking to.

Everyone deserves privacy. The thought that you need to know who you're talking to is pretty much the exact opposite of what the internet is about.

Everyone deserves privacy. The thought that you need to know who you're talking to is pretty much the exact opposite of what the internet is about.
If you didn't want to called out on being an starfish you shouldn't have been an starfish I guess. If you really need to hide behind an alternate account to pretend to be a different person you really need to find a new website to loiter on.
And for the record, privacy is good. An anonymous online account shouldn't normally be connected to a person's identity. That's privacy. An anonymous online account should however, be connected to other anonymous online accounts owned by the same person on the same website. It's downright dishonest to try to rejoin the conversation with a new name, and funnily enough there's quite a few people online who don't enjoy being lied to.

Blacklisting someone based on previous actions is a great way to get them to grow as a human being. I think you forget that the vast majority of people coming through here are going to be kids playing a lego game; not forumers with some internet history. People need to make mistakes. Holding a grudge over something like that(especially when you weren't even around for it) is just petty. And feel free to refer to my signature to understand my stance on being offended or insulted on the internet.

neither you nor ms. terra deserve any sort of chance because that's not how any of this stuff works

because you don't actually stop being a dumbass nobody has stopped treating you like a dumbass

if you don't like how this works, maybe you should go to another forum

tfw having a perfectly civil discussion but Ike still gets angry

tfw having a perfectly civil discussion but Ike still gets angry

No, I'm serious its baffling how you're still here after you've gotten banned so many times and you still talk about your dumb privacy. It sure is convenient knowing that it's the same few annoying morons instead of a lot of morons.

I mean the majority of people get along fine with how the forums functions, it just seems to be the very small amount of people like you that really can't function here. And the funny part is that you lot don't seem to be able to function anywhere else either

What's up the all the personal attacks lol

On the matter of privacy, considering not a single one of you has any idea who I am, what I look like, what I sound like, or even what race and gender I am I think I've done decently well.

who were you anyways Kaz

Blacklisting someone based on previous actions is a great way to get them to grow as a human being.
If you spend your time growing as human being on a lego forum you have more problems than any of us know how to deal with. Generally the purpose of a permanent ban is to keep chumps who can't control themselves out. The alt system we have here undermines that, unfortunately.
I think you forget that the vast majority of people coming through here are going to be kids playing a lego game; not forumers with some internet history. People need to make mistakes.
And that was you? For 4 or more accounts? You don't get to use the "I'm new and inexperienced with how this forums works" excuse after you get yourself permanently banned that many times. There are mistakes, and then there's pointless threatening. And you've done a whole lot of threatening over the years.

On the matter of privacy, considering not a single one of you has any idea who I am, what I look like, what I sound like, or even what race and gender I am I think I've done decently well.

Give me some credit dude, I remember that freakout on .Atlas

who were you anyways Kaz