Author Topic: What is your opinion on 60 fps in games?  (Read 6630 times)

60? Pffff, I prefer 120.... if I had a monitor that supported it.

I just can't play at 30fps every time I place on a console or game that runs at 30fps it makes me cringe.

if you like anything under 29 you're probably gay

if it falls below 35 i care. i like ultra-smooth 60-120 but if it falls under 25 or so it will really bug me.

If it's not a mmo i want solid 60.

Playing with 60 fps will sometimes mesmerize me

60? Pffff, I prefer 120.... if I had a monitor that supported it.

I just can't play at 30fps every time I place on a console or game that runs at 30fps it makes me cringe.
well aren't you entitled
some of us have to live with like 20fps all the time

Really I don't care what the FPS is as long as it isn't horrendously low. It doesn't really affect gameplay much in my opinion, but higher FPS games do tend to look a bit nicer.

I dont mind playing at 30
as long as it's not like, 5
(planetside 2 runs like stuff on my laptop)

well aren't you entitled
some of us have to live with like 20fps all the time
Oh forget off.

To want a better standard in gaming is not "being entitled".

The original Ratchet & Clank achieved consistent 60FPS on brand new hardware with a RIDICULOUS amount of particle effects, background scenery and enemy counts. There's absolutely no reason why developers can't aim for that today with better hardware and more knowledge.

If your machine is stuff, it's your own goddam fault.