Author Topic: Would You Rather v2.0  (Read 4809 times)

50 shades of no.

Would you rather have pubic hair for teeth or teeth for pubic hair?

Teeth for pubic hair. I like being able to survive as a normal human thanks.

Would you rather be a pilot on the 9/11 flight or be george bush

I'd be a pilot on the 9/11 plane

Would you rather throw your computer out the window or lick a venomous spider.

I would rather throw my computer out the window if there was any chance I hit you.

Would you rather be stuffed in one of Freddy Fazbear's suits, or be skinned public.

lol, so many pussies rejecting Derontchi's manly challenges

I choose the skinned one, because skin grows back i think

Would you rather live on Mars or Ethiopia


Would you rather be a girl for 1 month


Chew your way out of prison

I'd get to furiously masturbate as a woman for a month

would you rather do homework for the rest of your life

or be physically incapable of having intercourse

Don't those cause the same thing in the end? Virginity?

Would you rather, Get stabbed by midget with a rusty dull knife or skull forgeted by Riddler

where the forget are you people coming up with this stuff

would you rather be hit by a motorcycle or have a bowling ball thrown at you from afar (hitting you)

would you rather be hit by a motorcycle or have a bowling ball thrown at you from afar (hitting you)
be hit by a motorcycle

Would you rather:

Play blockland for 1 hour
Kill yourself

Kill myself

Would you rather drink expired milk (whole thing)


Cut off your balls

give me the milk

would you rather be incredibly ugly with a huge richard

or incredibly attractive with a microsnake

you saw what happened with ron jeremy

would you rather not be able to access the forums for a year

or have "i'm a barbie girl" stuck in your head for a year straight

Forums for a year forget ya'll ain't special (plz don't ban me)

Would you rather insert the contents of a whole bottle of ketchup into your ass or 5 drops of Tabasco sauce?