Author Topic: Kreon's Community RP  (Read 9540 times)

literally, yea
they wanted me to find some dumb "arctic island" with russians on it apparentally
it was somewhere outside the map and i couldn't find it, they said i couldn't be a policeman anyway because i have "50 forum accounts"
Probably because you have a reputation for being handicapped, I would prob just straight up ban you by default from the server if it was mine

Anywho, the server has its issues but a lot of you just go in and troll and whine in chat 24/7 and then a topic like this springs up and you all pry for pity without any proof of you actually being innocent of the things youve been banned/kicked for.

Probably because you have a reputation for being handicapped, I would prob just straight up ban you by default from the server if it was mine

Anywho, the server has its issues but a lot of you just go in and troll and whine in chat 24/7 and then a topic like this springs up and you all pry for pity without any proof of you actually being innocent of the things youve been banned/kicked for.
way to be a loving douchebag lol, that was uncalled for.
i actually like the server despite the oddities that it contains, i find the idea neat and how its based around actual RP rather than some stupid loving job system and money.
there wasn't a need to call me handicapped for something so small btw, just makes you look like a cunt B)

way to be a loving douchebag lol, that was uncalled for.
i actually like the server despite the oddities that it contains, i find the idea neat and how its based around actual RP rather than some stupid loving job system and money.
there wasn't a need to call me handicapped for something so small btw, just makes you look like a cunt B)
I didnt call you handicapped for anything in this topic, in fact I never actually called you handicapped, I said you have a reputation for being handicapped but thank you for aiding me in proving that. And how is that, of all things, uncalled for? That IS what most people do... Have you ever even been in the server?

I didnt call you handicapped for anything in this topic, in fact I never actually called you handicapped, I said you have a reputation for being handicapped but thank you for aiding me in proving that. And how is that, of all things, uncalled for? That IS what most people do... Have you ever even been in the server?
I've been on this server since yesterday, lol.
I read your argument as "You have a way of being handicapped." As if you were pointing at me and calling me a handicap.

I've been on this server since yesterday, lol.
I read your argument as "You have a way of being handicapped." As if you were pointing at me and calling me a handicap.
No I was just pointing out that you have a reputation for acting in a way that me and Im sure other people would much rather not have to deal with. Its off-topic at this point, I was just addressing why you had special (dis)privileges.

No I was just pointing out that you have a reputation for acting in a way that me and Im sure other people would much rather not have to deal with. Its off-topic at this point, I was just addressing why you had special (dis)privileges.
Anyway, I really like the server and its ideas and I personally have nothing against the admins, but they need to be atleast more lenient about who they make a police officer. I was simply rejected for being myself and just wanting to have something to do, having forum accounts isn't related to the gamemode itself and it wasn't used properly in Kreon's argument.

Some ideas I think would improve the server, but then again thats just me:

A More Prestigious Area
One of my least favorite aspects of RP servers on BL is that fact that, to be honest, almost none of the server population is good at building. As a result you end up with hideous houses and you can only be so strict with deleting ugly houses before you end up with like three buildings in the whole server. I think there should be an area where only people who are verified decent builders can build. Id expand this idea with...

Stricter Zoning
It bothers me when I walk out of a two story suburban mansion and across the street is a six story office building next to a one story purple movie rental shop. There should be stricter zoning - Buildings in the city should have to be a certain height and I think it'd be neat to even enforce certain themes - That way areas start to look more like neighborhoods and less like conglomerated poop towns. Commercial/Residential/Industrial zoning would also be nice and would help better define neighborhoods. Its really weird to have houses mixed in with research shops. Of course this takes a lot of enforcing which is why I think it would also need....

Better Admins
Ive been on there one day and theres already admins who just drive around in cars the whole time ignoring chat, and Ive heard of admins abusing their power and not getting disciplined. The admins should be more thoroughly examined and should be disciplined for breaking rules just like the rest of the server is. I mean yes, admins should have some special priviliges (F8ing etc) but they should not be able to freekill and get away with it. The divide between the admins and the rest of the populace only weakens the sense of...

There should be events and crap. Nothing too special but like, "Hey theres a party at [place]!" or maybe even fake holidays or contests or crap. Something to bring the server together and actually give them something to do other than roleplay getting a dirty lewinsky in the bathroom of a gas station. The reason I dont think we see a lot of this is probably the same reason I dont ever do any events, its because there is no point when its 100% guranteed that someone will come shoot it up the second after its announced. This is why we also need...

Stricter Jail Times for Murder
There should be a legit (And increasing per kill) penalty for killing people. I dont think you should get banned for killing someone, but if youve killed six people maybeeee you should get like a half hour in jail. This might help defer people from gunning people down because theres nothing else to do, and will make it easier to throw community events because you wont have to worry about it being shot up. The whole island shouldnt be the equivalent of a BL Detroit. This last one will probably be the most controversial but I also think there should be an...

Enforced New Life Rule
You should get killed just to spawn and then immediately go gun down your killer. There should be an enforced new life rule like there is on most roleplays, where if you die you have to either:
  • Have actually died (make a new name etc) or
  • You retain your identity but you cant go shoot down your murderer (My preferred choice as its less annoying to the player)

Idk how you people feel about any of this and idk how Kreon feels but these are just ideas theyre not like demands or anything. It just sucks to see topics like this were people are almost unanimously agreeing that the server has serious issues.

Also something I forgot to add, but its really weird that each lot is its own city block. Its wayy too sprawly and it just looks... weird. Neighborhoods have interconnecting backyards and houses on the same road, each house IRL doesnt have a road on all four sides of it. The square grid should be reserved for the city and even then a few buildings to a block looks better.

I agree with the rules you came up with 100%, I agree that admins tend to not answer people and just drive around, or build without talking to players when they ask something. I have taken to some admins after frankie recommended that I talk to admins about what they said about me. I've talked to the only 3 I can on steam and 2 said I have nothing wrong (this may change after post) and the one other said something and when I asked for a example he/she could no think of one. I am not going to name any admins over the course of this talk due that I don't want anyone to be hated (all the things that could offend them and all, etc) and I ask all admins about if I can post any of the conversations we have had before I will even consider posting them...

I agree with the rules you came up with 100%, I agree that admins tend to not answer people and just drive around, or build without talking to players when they ask something. I have taken to some admins after frankie recommended that I talk to admins about what they said about me. I've talked to the only 3 I can on steam and 2 said I have nothing wrong (this may change after post) and the one other said something and when I asked for a example he/she could no think of one. I am not going to name any admins over the course of this talk due that I don't want anyone to be hated (all the things that could offend them and all, etc) and I ask all admins about if I can post any of the conversations we have had before I will even consider posting them...

Talked to* not taken to haha

I agree with all of this and changes are going to be made.

It isn't even your house.  You are building it for Facebot.  I explained to him over steam what I meant by the violations.  They were kind of a joke.  As for driving in the water, you drove in it on purpose during an RP situation.  (at least thats how it looked from my perspective.)  If your car ever goes into water during a chase, you should exit it.  If we were truly bothering you while you were building, I apologize.  you should have asked us to stop.  The kill brick on your part though was failrp and against the rules. Your ban has already expired.

For all the other people saying admins ignore them and that there is too much RDM, I agree.  Admins don't ignore people on purpose.  Sometimes there is too much going on in OOC and people using it incorrectly for me to see or I'm AFK without announcing it. 

Changes will be made to the administration and coltens changes will be made.  also maxx you can be a cop. i was too busy to train you at the time and gave a dumb excuse

server will probably be passworded a little more than usual tomorrow for maintenance and updating the rules

the server's a mess, i feel like the admins don't know their own rules because there is so many of them.


This server has always been a mess. It seems like there's a drama on it every other week.