Author Topic: Kreon's Community RP  (Read 9541 times)

Is there something else missing to the story Damp? Because it sounds like you really didn't do anything to deserve that, even if he's an 'annoyance' on the forums that doesn't mean jailing him wrongfully is okay lol.
he goes out of his way to annoy people for the most part, I had an italian gang on that server and he started following us around when we told him to forget off several times, we killed him after warning him and he cried RDM

he goes out of his way to annoy people for the most part, I had an italian gang on that server and he started following us around when we told him to forget off several times, we killed him after warning him and he cried RDM
Well actually if I recall right, yesterday he was loving around with Maxx on a blockland RP server and literally said in the teamspeak "I'm so bored I'm just spending my time trying to piss Maxx off right now haha" so you're probably right.

If it's proven otherwise somehow, then whatever.

"There should be better rules," isn't an excuse for purposely disrupting someone's server.
But I haven't even been on his server, lmao.

But I haven't even been on his server, lmao.
then how do you remember brickitects house getting deleted lol

then how do you remember brickitects house getting deleted lol
Because I was on it a year ago.

I've never really played on an actual 'roleplaying' server where my experience hasn't been plagued by overzealous admins and annoying players. I think the reason why is that most people are interested in games where their skills are pitted against other people's in competition, and 'roleplaying' servers represent the exception of players who just want to tell stories and play pretend.

In my experience, players interested in an actual video game will usually join one of these servers, and what you end up with is a constant struggle between the admins who want to play pretend and the players who want to play an actual game. A lot of players end up banned because they don't want to roleplay their actions, and another huge majority will only roleplay when it means avoiding a ban.

Only a few players will actually be interested in the 'serious roleplay', and they'll generally be hated by everyone else who just wants to play the game without the BS theatrical arts portion. They'll complain to admins every time someone violates their 'roleplay rules', and they'll end up getting a bunch of people banned. It's a completely toxic system that caters to the needs of an infantile minority player group while ruining the experience for everyone else. 
Are you complaining that the roleplay server caters to the people who want to roleplay and not to the people that joined the server to not roleplay

Well actually if I recall right, yesterday he was loving around with Maxx on a blockland RP server and literally said in the teamspeak "I'm so bored I'm just spending my time trying to piss Maxx off right now haha" so you're probably right.

If it's proven otherwise somehow, then whatever.
people hate me on that server because i actually call out when im rdmed

Are you complaining that the roleplay server caters to the people who want to roleplay and not to the people that joined the server to not roleplay
The brown townogy goes like this:

You're hosting a birthday party, right? All ten of your closest friends from elementary school are there. Eight of them want to play XBox 360, but all you want to do is make out with your friend Robert. Your friends are open-minded though, and ask if they can go play XBox while you make your way to second base. But instead of letting them do what they want, you set out a bunch of folding chairs and mandate that they have to watch you make out with him until the party's over. Anyone who tries to go play XBox instead gets kicked out of the party by your mom.

That's what roleplay servers are like for most players.

The brown townogy goes like this:

You're hosting a birthday party, right? All ten of your closest friends from elementary school are there. Eight of them want to play XBox 360, but all you want to do is make out with your friend Robert. Your friends are open-minded though, and ask if they can go play XBox while you make your way to second base. But instead of letting them do what they want, you set out a bunch of folding chairs and mandate that they have to watch you make out with him until the party's over. Anyone who tries to go play XBox instead gets kicked out of the party by your mom.

That's what roleplay servers are like for most players.
That brown townogy is extremely stupid. Its more like, youre hosting a birthday party and your friends come and then bitch that they didnt want to go to a party. Then why go? Why join a roleplay server and then be upset that the rules *GASP* cater to the roleplayers

If you dont want to roleplay join a non-roleplay server, like really how is this not obvious to you?

Its more like, youre hosting a birthday party and your friends come and then bitch that they didnt want to go to a party. Then why go?

A lot of roleplay servers have had a lot of time invested in them by their creators, and so a lot of them are pretty high-quality. Also, a lot of roleplay servers have a good underlying game that would work fine without the roleplaying stuff-cherry on top.

If you've ever played on a roleplaying server on any game at all, you'd realize that pretty much no one is invested into the actual roleplaying. It's just something the admins try to keep up even when everyone's there for the game itself.

A lot of roleplay servers have had a lot of time invested in them by their creators, and so a lot of them are pretty high-quality. Also, a lot of roleplay servers have a good underlying game that would work fine without the roleplaying stuff-cherry on top.

If you've ever played on a roleplaying server on any game at all, you'd realize that pretty much no one is invested into the actual roleplaying. It's just something the admins try to keep up even when everyone's there for the game itself.
Ive played roleplays on MANY games and youre still wrong dude. If you want a roleplay thats not actually a roleplay but its just a game, join a CityRP. I really dont get what youre arguing for. There are dozens of servers on Blocklands that fit EXACTLY what youre asking for - Go join them instead.

Ive played roleplays on MANY games and youre still wrong dude.
Your experience might have been different than mine, but I'll still maintain that most people aren't really invested into roleplaying.

If you want a roleplay thats not actually a roleplay but its just a game, join a CityRP.
I was only talking about roleplaying servers in general, not just roleplaying servers on Blockland. I actually meant to tack on "Come play at Tez's server, OP" to the end of my post, but I forgot.

There are dozens of servers on Blocklands that fit EXACTLY what youre asking for - Go join them instead.
I don't play on Kreon's server.

Your experience might have been different than mine, but I'll still maintain that most people aren't really invested into roleplaying.
I was only talking about roleplaying servers in general, not just roleplaying servers on Blockland. I actually meant to tack on "Come play at Tez's server, OP" to the end of my post, but I forgot.
I don't play on Kreon's server.

Then why are you in this topic other than to fill your drama needs

Then why are you in this topic other than to fill your drama needs
To talk about roleplaying servers, which is relevant to OP's problem?

Roleplaying is just that, playing a role. It's a very broad term that means more than just sitting in an over-glorified chatroom playing pretend pals with likeminded people.

A lot of servers have "rp" slapped on them just as a way to get around the whole 'making the server fun to play' thing. A lot of rp servers are pretend-play chatrooms. Then again, there have been a fair few roleplay servers that actually have lots of stuff to do.

The only issue is that they require both effort from the creator(s) of the server to make the roleplay engaging and interesting, and some effort from the players to get into the server beyond walking around and killing everything.

Roleplaying in itself isn't something that should make up the majority of a server's content. But then again, if all you want to do is build and/or shoot people, maybe you should play on a different server.