< WARNING: Targeting failed. Effect has been applied globally.
ThinkInvisible: well, that backfired.
ThinkInvisible: uh
ThinkInvisible: okay let's just try something simpler
ThinkInvisible > IBBI.RetrieveArms();
ThinkInvisible retrieves his favored weapon, the ARM LAUNCHER. This deceptive device, capable of firing swarms of miniature rockets that are actually hands, is used to engage in close-quarters combat at range.
ThinkInvisible fires a quick flurry of distracting POKES AND PRODS at the God of Pringles, attempting to use the recoil in combination with the present lack of gravity to gain some distance.
yeah, the layout does have a few too many fonts and colors, and what's with the bright red text?
i'd also recommend using the width= tag in avatar images to make them all the same width