Author Topic: Your Blockland Story  (Read 4836 times)

In this topic, we share our stories about Blockland and how we found the game and stuff

My Story
It was late March, 2010 My good friend hatzarcool showed me a cool game called Blockland. It was basically legos on his computer, and me being 10 I was in love with legos. I played it with him for hours whenever I visited him. For some odd reason, he could never connect to the master server and only played single player without addons.
     My parents agreed to buy me Blockland as I was already over Club Penguin. June 2011, I got Blockland. Before this, I played the demo on my old desktop but I didn't like it because of the brick limit. But when I got it, I played on my mom's laptop. Surprisingly, there was no lag. Times have really changed. I played the stuff out of Blockland and made new friends. My first name was 7coolkid50, and I had a few other names after that. Unfortunately, I found the forums in September, and registered my key in December. The account was named K1ng_0f_N0thing. I wish I could change it now
     Then I got banned on the forums
     Not much happened, except for me crying a little when I came back from Hungary in 2012 to see that maps have been removed. Looking back now, it's by far for the better.
I also hosted a few semi popular servers, one which had 32/32 players online in a City Build. I was proud of myself
     Then around 2014 or so, I got bored of the game. But now I play on some servers. Sadly, there isn't much to play these days...

It was late 200X and i just discovered blockland. I played the demo for about a day and then I bought the game. Two days later my brother also bought the game. After playing it for upwards of 600 hours, it got ridiculously boring and I couldn't build anything worth stuff. Turns out the forums is a much funner place than the game itself. been on the forums since 2009.

   I bought the game a few months after my friend, called Fizzgig on Blockland, started begging me to. My first server I really got interested in was an apocalypse WIP map; looking back, they had moderate build skills, but much better than what I was doing. I began trying to build like them, but was a complete failure. After begging them to let me help to an extent of too much, they began to ignore me, so I began making my own. It was terrible (again looking back; at the time I thought it was a success).

   Later on, I was playing a Snipers VS Runners server with Fizzgig. We got into an argument over something small; I can't really remember what it was. It finished with him ending the skype call, both of us were really angry at one other. We kept on having arguments whenever we talked to one another, and one day on an SMM, he kept saying my real name. I told him to stop, and he got so mad to where he basically said 'F*ck you, I don't want to be friends with you anymore'. Even if it's only been a year or two since this happened, I've changed since then to not be so annoying. Regardless, it sucked. We've been sort of friends since about two months ago.

   My build style sort of kept the same for a long time, and that held me back from making my Apocalypse map; I'd always wanted to make a Zombie Apocalypse, and even more so after Sord213's Zombie Apocalypse came out, my favorite server ever. It shut down because something happened to his hard drive; I still have his map, but nobody knows the add-ons he used, so it just sits in my folder (I saved the map out of boredom).

   I tried to make other servers, like some sort of Cave RPG where people lived in caves after WW3 started (never got finished). I tried to make a Hide and Seek creepbear deathmatch (never got finished). I have a habit of starting projects and only getting them halfway done before I get bored of Blockland for a few months, and by the time I come back, I just go "Screw it, I'll start a new one." Usually, it's because I change the way I build a little bit, or figure the map I was working on had a really big fundamental flaw, like it had bad landscaping or looked too much like another map someone else made.

   About a month ago, I changed how I built; my builds look very nice, with double walls, floors, ceilings; and I'm pretty satisfied with it. I've begun working on another Zombie Apocalypse that probably won't ever get finished, but looks a lot different from other maps I've started on. This one has a much better building style, platescape-style landscape, and I have more people to help me.

i hosted a rape deathmatch and it got 32 players

My personal experience with Blockland is that it's my favorite game of all time at any given point. I always find something new to do and build on it whether it's actual builds, event contraptions, etc. I felt like a pro when I evented stuff and more so when I got into understanding VCE. The game has done so much for me and I feel as though I have not given back to the community. I'm hoping to one day fully comprehend TorqueScript and give back to the community that made me love this game so much.

Late 2008 I clicked an ad while playing Boxhead. 1 Year later I bought the game and I've been on and off with the community until recently.

i joined blockland and hosted cool servers

too swole for club penguin decided it was time for promotion.

when I first joined, I just made freebuild servers and boss battles servers, the year I join in was 2012 (dammit missed the maps)

I've hosted a skydiving server before, i got 32 players.

got blockland when I was in about third or fourth grade, basically nothing happened until eighth grade, learned to build, made friends, joined forums that summer, basically nothing happens again, I post in this thread

Oh no, we're going back in time! I am

>sees BL videos
>gets demo
>I like
>See's game on steam
>see's the inside of BL

I remember it all now. IM HERE FOREVER.

My friend begged me to buy blockland. At first I said
no. But then I bought it from boredom. I first played Tezuni's servers; but then I joined a Mini-Empires roleplay. I play on Laneer's. Unfortunately i got grounded so

got blockland when I was in about third or fourth grade, basically nothing happened until eighth grade, learned to build, made friends, joined forums that summer, basically nothing happens again, I post in this thread

On 2010, i was on youtube watching stuff on youtube, and i found a Advertisement for Blockland. Then i was like: ohhhhh this looks nice. So i got it. Note i was like 8 or 9 back then, 6, 7? idfk. I had some crappy name called "i no you are but what am i?" i failed on the name. But i die. Then near 2013, 2012. I got BL again with this 42524 BLID.

That's the stupid story of my origins of this dead game.