Author Topic: This Forum, and it's people.  (Read 26628 times)

I now also fear for my friends possibly being harassed in a similar manner. I don't enjoy living in fear.
are you seriously fearing over internet comments

What do you mean looking into your personal life? If anything, you're the one that's been posting everything on Steam, so you brought it upon yourself.

Example being the number of people joining my server and either shouting profanity and leaving, often disrupting the server.
Example two being the attempt of people commenting on my profile (steam)
Any evidence to back these claims up? Screenshots are appreciated.

Example being the number of people joining my server and either shouting profanity and leaving, often disrupting the server.
Example two being the attempt of people commenting on my profile (steam)
I now also fear for my friends possibly being harassed in a similar manner. I don't enjoy living in fear.
If you're offended by profanity you shouldn't play Blockland. Everyone and their cousin who plays Blockland will use profanity eventually.

If you're offended by profanity you shouldn't play Blockland. Everyone and their cousin who plays Blockland will use profanity eventually.

Context is everything. I'm not offended more as I am annoyed by the disruption.

is severe autism one of your mental problems

If you're offended by profanity you shouldn't play Blockland. Everyone and their cousin who plays Blockland will use profanity eventually.
stop giving him advice

i mean look its clear that he is a dumbass

you did something stupid, you come crying to the forums for said stupid thing
please give a stranger your auth key and then ask them for it back nine months later, because you need to grow up more because of recent events

I got all the cancers from that profile

Let the games begin.

Sure, I've been called "badmin" because I ban people for reasons that you or them may not like, but I never said anyone HAD to join my server.
Just because it's YOUR server and YOU get to do what YOU want to do does not mean you have full permission to make it miserable for everyone to do. I'm not saying make it a "do anything" and get rid of all the rules and let a bunch of people run rampant, I'm just suggesting that maybe before you ban someone you warn them and make it clear as to what they're doing wrong.

Lo and behold these people start tracing me back to my steam account and consequentially my personal life.
How is this possible? The most personal information someone might get from your steam profile is your name, and I'm pretty sure people who are annoyed by you do not go to the lengths of pulling all your facebook or instagram or whatever else you are on.

Yes, I am a biloveual furry that likes Pokemon.
I have nothing against this. Whatever your loveuality is is fine by me and I will not make fun of you for it. And liking Pokemon is not a bad thing; pokemon is loving amazing. If you look around the forums for a little while, you might find that other people feel the same. (About pokemon, not the loveuality thing, unfortunately.)

Yes, I am 16 years old.
This shouldn't be an issue. I'm 14 and I never have stuff flung at me because of my age. Around 15 years old is probably considered a good age on the BLF.

Yes, I have some annoying expectations.
Not sure what this particularly has to do with your personal life, but it's not good to have "annoying expectations" nonetheless. It's no fun if someone innocently wanders into your server and then is immediately hammered with 20 things that you strictly expect them to comply to.

Yes, I have mental issues.
Yes, Depression is one of them.
I have learned from personal experience that stating you have depression without proper context will immediately be flagged as bullstuff. And honestly, I'm going to go ahead and flag it as well. You say that you have depression and that it is one of the things that your "stalkers" have dug up, but I know that you don't just shove the fact that you have depression out into the open unless you have a very, very good reason. Clearing your name is not a good reason.

Yes, I have bad days.
I am a human with my own flaws, which happen to stretch into the social section rather than mental or physical.

You're killing me.
You say this as if you need to be stalked for someone to figure this out.

Next case I seem to encounter is a fellow who I know as "Isondlar" or "Sudler." Whichever he may go by and possibly something different now.
He loves to hate on me, for some unclear and obscure reason. I first knew him on my Video Game Role Play where he RP'd the protagonist of Persona 3, in which he made some decent contributions to my server. He respected my rules great enough, and eventually found himself promoted to admin. Isondlar did well for quite a while managing my server, up until I had players start to complain about him, and starting to find some bans were quite unfair or under-investigated. I promptly de-admin him and ban him from the server with the given evidence.
Anyone that was banned could have just said that because they were upset with Sudler.

He met up with a close friend of mine, who at the time was known as "Neo The Umbreon" or "Gary The Eevee." I am not entirely sure what happened over the time period, as I was under quite some stress (Real-life related issues such as but not limited to: school work, losing friends to drug-related deaths, family drama, etc.) The last thing I needed was to lose a close friend, who for some reason acted quite strange. Everyone on his server upon me joining attacked me for opinionated reasonings. I didn't even know these people, yet they persecute me for being a terrible person, and calling me disgusting. Neo was likely their friends, so he only grew to believe them. I inevitably lost Neo, thus why I am lead to believe Isondlar is the one who had "taken (him) from me."
You're making unreasonable assumptions. Sudler didn't steal Neo from you. Neo has stockholm syndrome.

Thank you, and please don't harass/attack people because they didn't like you in their "house."
There's a difference.
If a person is "in your house", you invited them over. They were asked to come along because you could trust them to be in your house.
If a person joins your blockland server, there's a 90% chance that you've never met them before. You have no idea who they are and, in this situation, they are banned after a single forgetup. IMO, that's a bit harsh, to ban someone without warning.

mrmii actually took someone serious hueheuheu

please give a stranger your auth key and then ask them for it back nine months later
wtf is this advice

mrmii actually took someone serious hueheuheu

I will admit that it's possible I'm just feeding an attention whore, I know. But it seems unlikely. It seems more like he's just trying to clear this bad name that he has on the BLF.