Author Topic: JCMsergox - Stalking and trying to DDoS me.  (Read 9331 times)

100$ to whoever thinks this will escalate into a war?
Okay, not that i'm trying to start one, but I might have accidentally.

You just did.

Don't remember making that Giant Scarab.

I've never seen someone so persistent to defend themselves to the point where their posts outnumber everyone else's
....You're talking about Dark? Or me? Or both?

Don't remember making that Giant Scarab.
Ehm, it was intended to be Johnson's lines and the Marines "Gettin' Tactical."


*Crickets chirp*

Thought so.
what the forget. this is makes you look even more loving sketchy than a person with no proof.

I think JCM created an apology thread in general discussion too

what the forget. this is makes you look even more loving sketchy than a person with no proof.
It wasn't meant to sound that way, sorry if it did. It was sarcasm.
This kid obviously has no proof.

I think JCM created an apology thread in general discussion too
Yes, for flaming on Tezuni, which I served a ban for. Found it to be mature.

I took a screen-cap of it. But it was at my other house, and I F12'd it too. However, Steam was being finicky with me and it wouldn't let me upload it and put it on tinypic.
Whatever you're trying to do is not going to work, instead of making excuses, just post it when you can.

Whatever you're trying to do is not going to work, instead of making excuses, just post it when you can.
I HIGHY doubt he actually did. He's just saying it to delay people not supporting his post.

I hardly support posts in general because the lack of information. Such as seeing 1 side and not seeing the cause, or just not seeing all the evidence. I try not to do the entire "/support" thing because I think it's just silly for doing that, lol.

I hardly support posts in general because the lack of information. Such as seeing 1 side and not seeing the cause, or just not seeing all the evidence. I try not to do the entire "/support" thing because I think it's just silly for doing that, lol.


Saying "I can't upload" is bullcrap. You should explain things yourself rather than someone doing it for you.

Saying "I can't upload" is bullcrap. You should explain things yourself rather than someone doing it for you.
Noedit: I was referring to all topics on the last post, but you're not using common sense here.