Author Topic: What do you don't like about your parents?  (Read 3451 times)

My parents don't have common sense. They say my games caused viruses which is extremely not true. Most of my games I have are played by millions. They also say I should not joke about loving drugs. I'm seriously pissed about that. Do you know how much people would give a forget if I said I was a cocaine dealer? Nobody because I am joking.

Seems reasonable to be pissed if you joke about drugs. But anyway

I can't stand how my mother is, she has Psychosis so she's already had to go to a health center near us a few times because she started flipping stuff, as in she wasn't even acting like the same person and kept crying for some reason, not only that but she's really unreasonable. She didn't let me do online school for some reason, even though I'd be happier doing online school because I can sleep more and it's more dynamic for my schedule, and I have more online friends anyway.

My dad? He's pretty cool, nothing wrong with my dad really. He's not forgeted in the head like my mom, so that's good.

they're christian conservatives who listen to rush limbaugh, glenn beck, and fox news

buys into overzealous christian conspiracy theories

they're christian conservatives who listen to rush limbaugh, glenn beck, and fox news
buys into overzealous christian conspiracy theories

Anyhoo, my parents are mostly chill, but my mom wins every argument she's in. She's a lawyer. She's not always right, but she still always makes things your fault.
My dad is awesome

I like my parents because I'm not a piece of stuff teen with major hormonal problems

plus pokemon and anime are off limits to me

at this rate you might want to ban japan itself

I like my parents because I'm not a piece of stuff teen with major hormonal problems
What does being a teen have to do with not liking things about your parents?

It's not just teenage angst

plus pokemon and anime are off limits to me

at this rate you might want to ban japan itself
anime is a sin

my parents do a lot of things that piss me off but I don't hate them.

and really half the time it's not their fault. im not very eager when it comes to them needing me to do something like chores and I flip out because I'm in the middle of doing something on my pc.

I'm also a christian like my parents and one thing my mom likes to do is absolutely force it onto me (like yesterday I was forced to go see a movie with our church youth group which I honestly didn't want to go) because she's afraid I'll turn away from the lifestyle. Which I wish she would kinda just leave me alone.

But whatever that's what parents do and that's how they are.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 08:39:44 AM by Trogtor »

barge into my room thinking i'm on research

that's about it