Author Topic: Total eclipse and Supermoon happened yesterday (post pictures if any)  (Read 9214 times)

for us it happens at around 4-5am
I won't be staying up for it but my brother's going to set up his camera to try and take pictures
will maybe upload pictures??? idk

EDIT: so far the sky's clear of clouds
hopefully it stays that way
ok so I saw the eclipse
it was cool
but in the morning I was super tired, lol
my brother took pictures but it's his pictures so

I've seen these red mars moons twice now

I got some decent shots of it, I wish I had a tripod and manual focus though :/

edit how many days ago this happened every day into eternity

edit how many days ago this happened every day into eternity
Do it until you get to the halfway point for the 2033 event.
And then edit it counting back down.

I saw this last night

it was a huge dissapointment, it was barely red.
then again I didnt have a telescope

i loving missed it forget

probably the best one i got

i also got this too but that was before the total eclipse happened

we went to a restaurant when it was going on. good thing we were able to sit by a window so we can see

for some reason the blood moon was pretty dim/dark for us

photo i found from the internet