Author Topic: Would you rather?- [Forum game] v1  (Read 3395 times)


Would you rather get hit with a door, or smash your pinky toe on a table?


would you rather live in somalia, or as a jew in arabia


would you rather eat sand or moldy, stale bread

Moldy stale bread

I want to do this again because it is pretty good:
Would you rather fling into space when you are about to finish a speed kart race, or get killed at the last stud to escape in prison escape?

the former cuz it's funnier

soos or sees


Get run over by a tank or get shot in the foot with a crossbow

crossbow'd in the foot

would you rather be executed by the brazen bull or scaphism?

brazen bull, would probs pass out from heat before death at least

would you rather die from being in an oven or a laundry machine

laundry, faster i guess

would you rather swallow a pool ball or a couple of rusty screw

2 rusty screws
would you rather get your genitals ripped off or get your arms ripped off


Would you rather be on the receiving end of a sloppy joe (stuff on, punched, two people smash asses against you and stuff more), or swim in a pool of LEGOs?

swim in a pool of legos

Would you rather be on Flight 93 5 minutes before it is hijacked by terrorists or on the top floor of Tower 1 1 minute before impact?

tower, jumping off head first would pretty much be instant death after feeling like superman

would you rather be in CIA in 2014 or in Al-Qaeda in 2002