Author Topic: NVIDIA GeForce Experience soon to be required for all Game Ready Drivers.  (Read 1767 times)

it actually can't be disabled that way, it will just relaunch itself. removing it from startup does nothing either.
You must be bad at exiting programs then, I just did it.

I use this and I have yet to see it even pop up, really. It doesn't do a single thing until I open it, usually to start up Shadowplay, and when I close it, it's all good and gone. Never a problem for me, and I haven't noticed any big slowdowns.

just turn it off
how is this even a problem
you must be the most uptight friend alive if this concerns you

just turn it off
how is this even a problem
you must be the most uptight friend alive if this concerns you
just turn it off or tell it to stop updating, or even just end the process
this isn't rocket science

NVIDIA GeForce Experience isn't even bad though...
I don't get pop-ups or anything and it automatically updates my drivers for me.

I've used it for awhile and it doesn't bug me at all

I've used it for awhile and it doesn't bug me at all
The problem is it sucks processing power.

you must be the most uptight friend alive if this concerns you
0 to 60, god damn

The problem is it sucks processing power.
then disable it or end the process

Something else I'm seeing is that people are complaining you need to register with an email to get the Game Ready Drivers.
It's not like you can just make a throwaway email in 2-seconds if you hate Nvidia or anything.
Scraping the barrel I guess?

All the arguments that people have come up with are really dumb and ill-informed.

nvidia is a loving company aiming to make the most powerful GPUs ever, why would they slow things down with a program

i assume, performance-impact wise, the most it would do would be making start-up process take like
maybe 5 seconds longer at the most?
you can probably disable it from startup anyways so either way it's a non-concern