
your thoughts?

1 (11.1%)
0 (0%)
no but it's the third option
8 (88.9%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Author Topic: should whites be taxed for being white?  (Read 156510 times)

What's with your fascination with the BLF's jizz preference?

He's trying to figure out the best method of forum Self Delete, a good cumshot scene.

i like it the consistency of spaghetti sauce

why? why do you want to make a mess on yourself?
I understand with some people. they're just really into cum, but that's pretty much only gay guys. and as far as I know you're not gay?? so what do you get out of it?
who said anything about myself?

what are crazy, you out of your mind?

it's gotta be thick and sticky dude, when it's thick and sticky it feels 550%  better coming out of my rooster man, like cmon this shouldn't even be a QUESTION, nerd.

Forum questions gone wrong gone loveUAAAAAL.

thick and sticky. that way i can be like spiderman :D

i like cum that i can do watercolors with

i like cum that i can do watercolors with
Well aren't you fancy