Author Topic: Programming Megathread  (Read 107653 times)

Question, what is the most versatile language that I could learn as a beginner? I already know some Python but I don't know if that can really be used for what I want to do.
what do you wanna do?

what do you wanna do?
The end goal is to be able to program a game, but I know that's far off and I just want to learn a language that would allow me to do that.

The end goal is to be able to program a game, but I know that's far off and I just want to learn a language that would allow me to do that.
you can do that in python with pygame, but other languages could potentially be better
LÖVE is a good choice for lua
libGDX for java
I'm not really familiar with it but Oxygine is the top google result for "C++ game framework"
again for C++ there's Unreal, which also allows you to use something called "blueprints" which means you don't have to know a programming language at all to do many things. they're like a more refined version of Scratch, if you know what that is. Unreal is also the only one in this list that requires part of your profits if you choose to use it for a commercial game

there is probably a game engine or framework for whatever language you could find yourself wanting to use. even for javascript running in the browser
« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 05:36:06 PM by Foxscotch »

remember that the majority of languages share common ground and that once you learn one, it becomes easier to migrate to others. I found it relatively easy to migrate to C# from java, for example.

you can do that in python width pygame, but other languages could potentially be better
LÖVE is a good choice for lua
libGDX for java
I'm not really familiar with it but Oxygine is the top google result for "C++ game framework"
again for C++ there's Unreal, which also allows you to use something called "blueprints" which means you don't have to know a programming language at all to do many things. they're like a more refined version of Scratch, if you know what that is. Unreal is also the only one in this list that requires part of your profits if you choose to use it for a commercial game

there is probably a game engine or framework for whatever language you could find yourself wanting to use. even for javascript running in the browser
ZSNO talked me into going with C++, but is there a point in learning C++ for Unreal? Btw, I used Scratch to start off in my programming class, lol.

ZSNO talked me into going with C++, but is there a point in learning C++ for Unreal? Btw, I used Scratch to start off in my programming class, lol.
C++ is more optimized and organized than Blueprints. The exact figures have changed, but back in UE4.2, c++ was at least 10x faster than blueprints.

but is there a point in learning C++ for Unreal?
if you want to be serious about it, I would say yes. blueprints are good for prototyping and simple stuff, but there will certainly be a limit to what you can do with them in a way that performs well. blueprints are supposedly like 10x slower than if you used C++, which can really add up
back in UE4.2, c++ was at least 10x faster than blueprints.

There's nothing in UE4 telling you that you can only use one or the other. Use blueprints for simple stuff like UI or gameplay scripting and use C++ for performance intensive stuff like physics and math.

I will look into it, thanks. I have a 2005 Deitel book for C++, do you think this would be good for learning or would using some other resource be better?

I will look into it, thanks. I have a 2005 Deitel book for C++, do you think this would be good for learning or would using some other resource be better?
I would say that something updated for C++11 would be best, but honestly I doubt you'd use most of the features it adds for making a game using an existing framework anyway, so a book from 2005 will be fine
I really like though

I would say that something updated for C++11 would be best, but honestly I doubt you'd use most of the features it adds for making a game using an existing framework anyway, so a book from 2005 will be fine
I really like though
Learning C++ using C++11 isn't the best thing because you really should learn memory management instead of just relying on magic to make stuff not break.
And you probably won't use anything in C++11 until you're actually good at C++ in general. (I'm just taking this from what my professors keep saying)
Although you'll probably want to compile using a new compiler to get the fastest program.

I started learning c++. I've only seen my tutor twice now, and my homework is to make a program that checks for all multiples of 3 and 5 between 100, then add them all up to get a sum.

I have decided to create a userscript to provide functions and classes to make it easier to create other userscripts
because the other day I was working on a userscript and realized that a couple of functions could be pretty reusable
so far it only consists of those two functions, for the most part. one of which provides the user's session ID, and the other, which distinguishes between different types of pages
currently the possibilities for that are topic, post, board, profile, search, index, and "other" for anything that doesn't fit. it's unlikely that I will actually include every possible type of page, like the help pages
when it's a topic it also has extra info about it, specifically, whether or not it's locked, whether it has a poll, and if it does, whether or not the poll is locked
I'll probably add more parameters like that to the profile one, too, like for whether you're on the plain profile, or the stats page, or posts list, and so on

it's pretty unimpressive at the moment but I have high hopes for the future :)
a very high-priority goal is that it does not rely on jquery or any other external libraries, cus they really slow this stuff down. like, not execution speed, but there's this big delay before the userscript actually takes effect if it @requires jquery

i just learned how to use JUnit in java and i don't think i will ever go back again

Doing homework. My program has an allotment of 0.027 seconds to run through a dictionary, find a route to get from one word to another by only making 1 change at a time, but my program is taking 0.071 seconds.