Author Topic: What should I do with these toys?? (Customization)  (Read 1639 times)

you went to toys r us lmfao

you went to toys r us lmfao
yea dude hes a cool kid i bet u never even went there cause ur mom said it was for birthdays only

yea dude hes a cool kid i bet u never even went there cause ur mom said it was for birthdays only

record the destruction of condom sparkles then upload under the name of CIA

record the destruction of condom sparkles then upload under the name of CIA
i already rekked him tho

Throw them around the house while screaming random stuff

Throw them around the house while screaming random stuff
how bout this
run straight to the ancient city of Sparta in Greece yelling bible passages while riding a clown car that shoots snot at people then become a sperm whale and destroy the city with your massive size (in more ways than one ;))

post pic pls
i'm not carrying my pc to my fireplace just to take a pic of rekked captian

and I also got ExplodingTNT Tubehero pack and the Captain Sparkles pack


i'm not carrying my pc to my fireplace just to take a pic of rekked captian
OP is fhegget for not delivering as always