Author Topic: The Sacred Order of The Harvest.  (Read 390197 times)

I'll gladly stop posting in this thread once people stop posting about me in this thread.

Lmfao so this entire charade is legitimately a battle for the last word? Grow up dude

Lmfao so this entire charade is legitimately a battle for the last word? Grow up dude
That's not what i meant.
The main reason i've even posted in this thread so long is because people keep insulting me in it.
Excuse me for being a human being with feelings and even an ego, but i feel an inherent need to defend myself when people do things like compare me to a TMZ papparazi.
If you want me to stop, stop giving me reasons to continue.

Excuse me for being a human being with feelings and even an ego, but i feel an inherent need to defend myself when people do things like compare me to a TMZ papparazi.
If you want me to stop, stop giving me reasons to continue.

They're 'insulting' you because they want you to forget off. The whole 'it takes 2 to argue' shtick would probably work if it was your goddamn clan. I don't like Tony but this pathetic bullstuff is borderline harassment, go make another drama if you're actually this butthurt about getting insulted on the internet, you have no 'reason to continue' stuffposting beyond your own fragile little ego. Not to mention the fact that you brought it on yourself: this cringeworthy garbage would probably hold water if they were posting in your threads or something, but what you're doing is basically the equivalent of walking into somebody else's house and criticizing them and then getting upset when they call you a moron.

Like, oh no, somebody on the internet called me a TMZ papparazi. Obviously the only solution is to continue whining like a loving TMZ papparazi. That's sarcasm by the way.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 07:32:32 AM by Rally »

They're 'insulting' you because they want you to forget off.
Insulting someone because you want them to stop defending themselves is counterproductive and i can't think of a single situation in which it isn't.
Also, is there a particular reason why you put 'insulting' in quote marks?
I don't like Tony but this pathetic bullstuff is borderline harassment
And i guess anything someone says about me is completely fine because he started it!

Like, oh no, somebody on the internet called me a TMZ papparazi. Obviously the only solution is to continue whining like a loving TMZ papparazi.
Have you ever heard of a "kafkatrap"? Because that's one.
You're literally saying that me denying that i act like a TMZ paparazzi is proof that i do.
what you're doing is basically the equivalent of walking into somebody else's house and criticizing them and then getting upset when they call you a moron.
No matter how hard i try, i can't find any equivalency between breaking into somebody's house and posting in a blf thread.
you have no 'reason to continue' stuffposting beyond your own fragile little ego.
As far as i'm aware, neither do you.

No matter how hard i try, i can't find any equivalency between breaking into somebody's house and posting in a blf thread.

Pretend Harvest is my house for a second.

Just pretend.

Insulting someone because you want them to stop defending themselves is counterproductive and i can't think of a single situation in which it isn't.
Also, is there a particular reason why you put 'insulting' in quote marks?

I put 'insulting' in quote marks because it's hardly insulting. It's hardly playground teasing for forgets sake. You're sitting here acting like defending your honor from strangers on the internet is something that's actually worthwhile and not just a pathetic waste of time. You criticize Tony for the exact same bullstuff you're pulling right now.

You're not 'defending yourself', you just want the last word. The only thing that's "counter-productive" here is you claiming that what you're doing is actually defending your stuffty e-rep when in reality it's just making you look more and more like a relentless loving babbling idiot 24/7. The BEST possible way you could hope to 'defend yourself'/save face right now is to just shut the forget up, and all the 'insults' would immediately stop.


And i guess anything someone says about me is completely fine because he started it!
Have you ever heard of a "kafkatrap"? Because that's one.
You're literally saying that me denying that i act like a TMZ paparazzi is proof that i do.

Anything anyone says about you is entirely 101% your own damn fault. They might not be in the right to make fun of you, but on this forum it's HARDLY out of the ordinary. There are a lot of people who are at odd-ends with Tony right now, and yet you're the only idiot that's constantly getting blasted in this thread, because you won't stop loving posting.

And I said you're acting like a TMZ paparazzi because you're being a critical richardhead who wont leave people alone after they've asked you multiple times to forget off. Not because some 'denial' or some bullstuff. Keep the fallacies up your ass where they belong.

No matter how hard i try, i can't find any equivalency between breaking into somebody's house and posting in a blf thread.
As far as i'm aware, neither do you.

Well I never said 'break in' to anyone's house but since you're a richardhead I'll make up a new brown townogy that is easier for you to understand. This thread is basically a club that's open to the community because people generally trust the community not to be a loving nuisance. Then you arrive and immediately start taking a stuff in the middle of the room because you don't like the owner of the club. And now you're upset because everyone is calling you a loving handicap.

Also nice try at that last little snipe but last time I checked everyone in the thread isn't under an overwhelming consensus that I'm in the wrong here. Or an immature dumbass, for that matter.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 08:53:17 AM by Rally »

I put 'insulting' in quote marks because it's hardly insulting. It's hardly playground teasing for forgets sake.

Well actually let me amend this. I went backward 10 pages and so far the only insult I've found was Patton360 calling you a 'moronic 12 year old'. Beyond that you haven't even loving been insulted. You didn't even respond to patton, you just continued to criticize Tony for the way he runs his own clan. The rest was people telling you to stfu.

What a crock of stuff. You say you'll leave when people stop talking about you here but what you really mean by people 'talking about you' is people responding to your unwanted goddamn criticism.

Anything anyone says about you is entirely 101% your own damn fault.
Do you care to explain how the same thing doesn't also apply to what i say about other people?
Then you immediately start taking a stuff in the middle of the room because you don't like the owner of the club.
That still doesn't make any more sense.
Can you seriously just stop with the comparisons and talk about the actual situation instead of making a new one and saying "that's what this is"?

And I said you're acting like a TMZ paparazzi because you're being a critical richardhead who wont leave people alone after they've asked you multiple times to forget off. Not because some 'denial' or some bullstuff. Keep the fallacies up your ass where they belong.
That really doesn't seem to be what you said.
But hey, if you say so.
Also, why is 'denial' in quote marks?
I literally didn't say anything about 'denial'.
Well actually let me amend this. I went backward 10 pages and so far the only insult I've found was Patton360 calling you a 'moronic 12 year old'.
That just seems intentionally ignorant to me.
You literally just made a post about me being compared to a TMZ paparazzi, and i'd really like to hear your excuse for how that's not intended as an insult.
Even putting direct insults aside, almost everything said about me in this thread is unnecessarily hostile.
What a crock of stuff.

Also nice try at that last little snipe but last time I checked everyone in the thread isn't under an overwhelming consensus that I'm in the wrong here. Or an immature dumbass, for that matter.
That's irrelevant.
You still haven't provided a better reason.
Are you seriously saying that you don't, but it's fine because nobody's complained about it yet?
It really seems like you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing me of and somehow thinking that it's okay when you do it.
Almost everything you've accused me of so far is equally applicable to you.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 09:31:30 AM by Blockchip »

Do you care to explain how the same thing doesn't also apply to what i say about other people?That still doesn't make any more sense.
Can you seriously just stop with the comparisons and talk about the actual situation instead of making a new one and saying "that's what this is"?

Mate, the 'actual situation' has been described to you 18,000 times already. That's why I'm using an brown townogy, because you don't loving get it.
The situation is as follows: You are constantly stuffposting in this thread, and now you're claiming that you HAVE to stuffpost more because people are mad you're stuffposting.

Just stop it you richardhead. What you say about other people doesn't apply because you're in a clan discussion thread that you're neither a part of nor involved in the management of.

That really doesn't seem to be what you said.
But hey, if you say so.
Also, why is 'denial' in quote marks?
I literally didn't say anything about 'denial'.That just seems intentionally ignorant to me.
You literally just made a post about me being compared to a TMZ paparazzi, and i'd really like to hear your excuse for how that's not intended as an insult.

Well you clearly failed to understand what I said so you should probably just shut up about it instead of trying to reverse engineer and explain a post that I loving made lmao. If you wanna be technical, I'm not sure how TMZ paparazzi is supposed to be offensive, it's a pretty accurate description of what you're doing and constructed as a comparison of what you're doing wrong, but I'm not surprised you're offended considering how you obviously appear to lack the mental constitution to understand brown townogies as displayed earlier.

Unless you're talking about me, because I am directly insulting you. I am a 3rd party to this entire stuff-show and I'm stepping in directly to call you a loving idiot, because you are.

I literally didn't say anything about 'denial'.
You're literally saying that me denying that i act like a TMZ paparazzi is proof that i do.

you even trying buddy? Not that the vapid fixation was relevant in the first place.

Even putting direct insults aside, almost everything said about me in this thread is unnecessarily hostile.

"unnecessarily hostile"
You are literally that greasy social outcast who goes and sits at a lunch table where he wasn't invited and then starts crying when told to forget off. People here are being hostile to you because you are annoying, critical, obnoxious, tiresome, vexatious and you wont go away despite everyone asking you to multiple times.

Like, I don't get what you're expecting. You come in here and take a big dump on the carpet and start criticizing everyone and everything when nobody asked for your opinion or even your presence. What did you expect? A loving compliment?


That's irrelevant.
You still haven't provided a better reason.
Are you seriously saying that you don't, but it's fine because nobody's complained about it yet?
It really seems like you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing me of and somehow thinking that it's okay when you do it.
Almost everything you've accused me of so far is equally applicable to you.

No, we've all given you plenty of reasons, you just refuse to believe any of them because accepting the fact that you are in the wrong would damage your ego. I'm betting the mere thought of apologizing probably makes you nauseous. If I wasn't so good at multi-tasking, I'd be tempted to write this stuff off as a huge waste of time, as we all know how hard it is to reason with egotistical 12 year olds.

There's a big difference between what you're doing and what I'm doing. You're in here being an annoying little friend because you want to protect your e-pride or something. I'm here trying to get you to piss off so the thread can return to the topic of discussion without you dropping in to unload your diarrhea of an opinion every 5 seconds. Not that it would matter anyway. As someone who jerks off to so much, you should know that whatever's 'equally applicable' to me is irrelevant. Even if I was being a hypocrite, it wouldn't matter because the points are still forgetin' valid.

jesus christ rally
you now how to talk sense

There's a big difference between what you're doing and what I'm doing. You're in here being an annoying little friend because you want to protect your e-pride or something. I'm here trying to get you to piss off so the thread can return to the topic of discussion without you dropping in to unload your diarrhea of an opinion every 5 seconds.
I literally said "I'll leave if you stop doing this thing" and then you come in and proceeded to do that exact thing.
Is that trying to get me to "piss off"?
Do you seriously, unironically think that continuing to do what you're doing will get me to stop?
If you're trying to get me to leave, you've failed miserably and i can't believe you ever expected any other result.
You're literally the only reason i'm still here at this point.

Also, please, once and for all, explain how what i'm doing is any different from what i'm doing.
We're both posting arguments to eachother.
What makes my posts "stuffposts", 'unloading diarrhea' and apparently comparable to literal stuff, and your posts 'just trying to get you to stop' (despite it being obvious beyond everything that not only is it not going to make me stop, it's the sole reason why i'm continuing)?
Since you clearly seem to think i'm a handicap for disagreeing with your opinion, feel free to put it in layman's terms.

You need to leave and take a long break.

Blockchip's "points" exist solely on taking another one's counter argument and he reverses it around so instead of "Blockchip is jealous because of Harvest" he turns it into "Harvest is jealous because of Blockchip" and sometimes when he reverses these arguments they don't even make sense.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 11:07:58 AM by Lord Tony® »

You need to leave and take a long break.
People aren't required to leave the forums just because you don't like them.

Blockchip's "points" exist solely on taking another one's counter argument and he reverses it around so instead of "Blockchip is jealous because of Harvest" he turns it into "Harvest is jealous because of Blockchip" and sometimes when he reverses these arguments they don't even make sense.
They're not supposed to make sense.
The entire point of it is that is that i come to a stupid conclusion using what i believe to be the same logic someone else is using.
I don't legitimately believe that you're somehow jealous that i won't join harvest. It's stupid. But nobody's explained to me how it's any less stupid than me being jealous that i can't join harvest.

nobody's explained to me how it's any less stupid than me being jealous that i can't join harvest.

We're not the ones to prove that, that's all up to you.

You're the one who keeps talking stuff about Harvest and their buildings. You aren't exactly helping your own case of who is or isn't jealous. (Also don't reverse this by saying I am jealous now.)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 11:21:44 AM by Lord Tony® »