Author Topic: Remember Greek2me's Trench Wars?  (Read 7356 times)

The server is going back up today - keep your eyes open!

edit: Server is up. Bushido's new weapon hasn't been added yet.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 01:46:38 PM by Greek2me »

who the forget

who changed the map

why do you have a map this bad in the first place

change the map
change. the. map

change the map
change the mappp

post pics of map please

it's 4 platforms all around a center platform with no cover between them and lava seperating them

you cannot do anything without getting sniped because, again, there is less then no cover between the bases

I like the map that is now on. What is it called?

The maps are on a rotation. I like the platform one! Part of the challenge is building your own cover as you go.

part of the 'challenge' is getting raw spawn sniped and being utterly incapable of capturing flags because there is absolutely nothing stopping you

there's no tension in the chase because the bases are completely indefensible, going on the attack is fighting a forgetin wall and there's no weird esoteric tactics like skybridges or pitfalls you have to rightly worry about because you're too busy getting chumped 5 feet from the spawn

So you need more starting cover. That can be added. I actually have a couple new maps I need to add to the rotation as well.

you need more cover in general

the game devolves into a total sniper fest almost instantaneously but at least the map with a bunch of big dumb corners between the bases funnels the sniper's firing arc

the ideal would probably be a map where you had to deliberately build sniper towers in order to cover any real ground but that sounds like something where the bases are actually lower then the center crossroad, which means that sniping into bases would be piss easy (though it might necessitate some interesting tech like actually building ceilings)

All problems regarding snipers are easy to fix:

Tunnels and trenches. These are trench wars, anyway! People seem to forget how useful an actual trench system is in this server.

And the 5 platforms map is hella fun, mainly because of how hard it is to take a flag. That means the rounds take longer, and by extension the map, meaning more structures can be built within the match. I really wish maps would take longer to reset, because most of the time teams win by exploiting a weak team, meaning I can't finish whatever new defensive structure I'm building or even get to test it because everyone's exploiting the team with 2 AFKs and no walls.

I was just playing it last night, its hard to get a slot though. Maybe make a bigger map?

I kinda want to make a map that forces teams to tunnel everywhere; would make the typical snipers actually do something worthwhile.

I kinda want to make a map that forces teams to tunnel everywhere; would make the typical snipers actually do something worthwhile.

Yea mostly because nobody, that I have witnessed, has even tried to actually tunnel. I'll put on trench RN so i can test some map Ideas. I shall be back.

platform map is atrocious level design and leads to games that basically never end