Author Topic: Bizzare/odd school stories  (Read 1096 times)

post your odd school stories

this happened to me today, I was sitting in art class and there's this special needs kid named Jason who is usually pretty nice. He claims his goal is to make the whole school nice and polite to one another (i dont think that will happen but hes optimistic). So as a result whenever someone curses or something he gets triggered and marches over to them and has a really long interrogation with them that usually goes like this:

Jason: HEY, did you just say a bad word?
person: (yes/no)
Jason: (if yes) well thats bad, and you shouldnt say bad things [insert lecture on bad things here] | (if no) well good, cause you sholdnt say bad things, they could offend people! (same outcome)

it usually takes about 15-30 mins for his interrogation to stop, unless the teacher halts him. The thing is, he claims to want to make eveyone nice, but hes been commited to this so much that hes unknowingly become a sort of bully himself, cracking down on almost everyone for something they might have said.

So today, a group of kids were all just joking around with each other and eventually one cussed at the other in a friendly way, and of course jason walks over and the same-old starts again. They said they were just joking around with each other, but Jason said that he "wasn't a joker" and continues the interrogation. time I guess they were sick of this or something, and they start to entertain the matter, indirectly saying things to throw him off like blaming each other or acting like they didnt know what was going on - basically just messing with Jason. One thing lead to another and Jason started giving a monologue of how he "wasn't afraid of mean people" and how a bully was giving his friend a hard time so he pulled a prank on him (even though he claims to not be a joker) and that he was brave because he told the teachers when someone was being mean (what), and how he was a "master of kindness" (his exact words) to which the group started saying they were kindess masters too, which only triggered jason more. This went on for the whole class period. I kinda feel bad for him.

TL;DR: some special needs kid causes a scene and i feel bad for him cus special need

share your strange school encounters/stories

This is pretty recent: My math teacher whispered "snake" to the helper teacher as I walked up for him to check my work
(He said it because there was a joke, k?

Once we had an endless barrage of boner jokes in science class that the teacher even helped fuel.

Jason: HEY, did you just say a bad word?
person: (yes/no)
Jason: (if yes) well thats bad, and you shouldnt say bad things [insert lecture on bad things here] | (if no) well good, cause you sholdnt say bad things, they could offend people! (same outcome)
Good ol' speech police

So I was chilling in my school lobby with my lunch
It's not really a lobby I don't think I just call it a lobby
it's right outside the lunch area I sit there because I've got social anxiety or something but I digress

I was just sitting there minding my own business when this big black guy comes up to me
now, this kid starts saying really stupid stuff next to me and I do what a normal citizen would do
I decide to insult him. I don't quite remember what it was
He told me to go forget myself and I retorted with some stupid stuff like "well if you like me so much why don't you do it"
and keep in mind this guy has the friendiest voice I've ever heard and he acts gay and hangs around gay people all day
he hates being called out as being gay
so like the manchild he is, he grabs my stuff and throws it across the loving room
he starts screaming at me "loving FIGHT ME YOU WHITE SLUT" (he's tribal towards white people I'm serious)
and I just start laughing hysterically
by this point the entire loving cafeteria is staring right at this loving idiot
anyways, once I calm down from my fit I just calmly say "nah"
he proceeds to scream "forget YOU loving pusillanimous individual" in my face
why I'm not intimidated by this giant black guy I don't know
he then gets really frustrated and says "YOU SEE YOU loving CUNT, THIS IS WHY I'M STRONGER THAN YOU, loving PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED WITH ACTIONS NOT WORDS"
and I do my usual starfish retort with "yeah kiddo that's why you're making a scene, words"
he storms off, and I mean stomping and everything and I break down laughing again

later on that day on the bus I just said "what the forget was that"
(he rides my bus too)
he proceeds to give a loving 6 paragraph speech for 5 minutes about how I am a loving pusillanimous individual white trash coward who won't fight him and he won that fight because I refused to fight a big black dude that's half a foot taller than me
the entire bus proceeds to stuff on said black dude because he's a disgrace
yes children, I had 5 black people backing me up on my roast, as a skinny white dude

TL;DR : Bro gets mad at skinny white starfish and throws a tantrum in front of the whole school

I think I made a thread about this while I was utsuho_reiuji
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 11:23:36 PM by Clownfish »

the other day i was just chillin' with my friends at lunch, discussing whatever the hell, and this one black dude comes up to us and says "spoon stab" repeatedly
and thats what he did. he stabbed us with a spoon and walked away.

i accidentally shot up a pre school

A table full of some dudes kept telling me to do karate because the back of my jacket has text printing out, "TAEKWONDO"

we were sitting in jazz band, the Annoying Orangeets were taking a break because the teacher was focusing on a different section at the time. when the teacher was about to start the next section of the song, all the sudden this loud moaning comes from one of the Annoying Orangeets phones. the kid was watching research.

guess he got a little horny

guess he got a little horny
forget that just completely decimated my monday bashing story

we were sitting in jazz band, the Annoying Orangeets were taking a break because the teacher was focusing on a different section at the time. when the teacher was about to start the next section of the song, all the sudden this loud moaning comes from one of the Annoying Orangeets phones. the kid was watching research.

guess he got a little horny

I remember this one time a guy sitting behind me in Algebra 2 got caught smoking marijuana in class like an idiot.

Another time in the same class the teacher didn't get one of her 100$+ graphing calculators back so she held the class back and threatened to call the police if somebody didn't find it. Of course, it just "magically" appeared after she started dialing 911.

that's what the teacher said.

actually the teacher just stared intensely at the kid and told him to go wait in his office. this was the calm and nice teacher too, we were terrified for this poor boy. He claimed he accidentally clicked on an add