Author Topic: Why do grades matter/Education argument thread  (Read 8277 times)

i was a straight A student for 8 years. then as soon as i got into highschool. they treated me like a virus because i challenged everything not for the sake of a fight but for the sake of debate and enlightenment (also cos im stubborn)

so i do believe that grades are built for obedience. i had a few classes where the teachers made it exceptionally hard on me because i got As while simultaneously slacking off and debating every opinion the teachers had so i could either change mine or prove mine.

Grades only matter in high school if you are looking to attend college afterwards, and if that's the case then they do matter (but of course then it all depends on what colleges you are specifically looking at, as all colleges have different GPA requirements, in addition to several other academic requirements).

I personally believe that grades are not a good measurement of another person's intelligence or strengths, as there are many people in this world who are perfect A students, and become absolute nothings in life. A lot of it has to do with thinking outside of the box, as there is so much more to life than school.

They matter because people think what maxwell does.
well hey screw you too

Algebra II and Spanish III

it's finals time so I'm a little high strung and now I'm yelling about it at an internet forum about block games

I'd say brush up on algebra on khan academy, it'll take you a couple weekends to brush up on algebra II but trust me it easier than just grit and bearing it

free knowledge is good knowledge

Grades are a currency for getting into college. Like all currencies, having a lot of it is also a bragging point. If you don't intend on going to college, there's no reason to shoot for high grades. If you do plan on going to college, you have to make high enough grades to go there.

I'd say brush up on algebra on khan academy, it'll take you a couple weekends to brush up on algebra II but trust me it easier than just grit and bearing it

free knowledge is good knowledge
I'll give it a shot, thanks

Grades is what determines what job you can get or what not. It also determines college and education.

Grades is what determines what job you can get or what not. It also determines college and education.

Many grades you get in high school (or pretty much all) are not even looked at by most employers, especially after you've finished college.

Grades is what determines what job you can get or what not. It also determines college and education.
thankfully I can easily meet the requirements to get a couple years of free college (considering my financial situation that's all I'm getting)
I'm not that ambitious for what job I want anyway, just something to support myself on so I can do what I really like on the side

I think employers are more focused on work experience these days anyway, considering literally everyone goes to college anymore

If you are actually studying hard and still getting stuff grades then pool your effort into maintaining passing grades until you can graduate or go with the old salting the earth trick and transfer to a different school district.

High school is not a make-or-break crossroads of your life. So long as you don't forget everything up completely there's no way your life is going to end because you got bad grades. If they are really bad, you can at least make up for it later in a less bullstuff-y but more roundabout way.

But don't fall for the self-pity meme and end up spending less time trying to get good grades and more time worrying about how you're going to get better grades. You're just setting yourself up for failure.

If you're studying hard and failing, maybe it could be the way you study. There are many different ways people study, whether it be flashcards, through games, hands-on experience, or just plain written notes. Failure is basically the tuition you pay for success, dont let those bad scores bring you down. If your teachers do let you see your math/science test results rather than just a score, you could identify those weaknesses and refine them. Bring it up with your school counselor, they could give you some words of encouragement. I was like you my freshmen year of HS, talked to counselors when I was stressing out and they really helped me out
if you said your teachers were horrible, I hope that mean the school itself is stuff, otherwise you could discuss it with your parents

I had about C's and B's on half my classes, by the end of the year I bumped them all up to an A.

Grades are a currency for getting into college. Like all currencies, having a lot of it is also a bragging point. If you don't intend on going to college, there's no reason to shoot for high grades. If you do plan on going to college, you have to make high enough grades to go there.
as well as that, happiness =/= currency. you can have high ass grades and be having a stuffty time. i got some friends at UC berkeley, and they had to work insanely hard to get there - we're talking 4.0 grades, all AP classes, high SAT and ACT scores, etc. and for most of them, stuff's great, they're enjoying being part of this intellectual upper-class, partying, etc. but i know rumors that one of em is having an absolutely miserable time, and that breaks my heart.

it's pretty miserable here at my college, but im happy i didn't have to slave to get here.

on an unrelated(?) note, it pisses me off that a lot of the 4.0 starfishs like to go and get wasted at parties and still manage to ace all their classes?

And let me explain a system my school uses: It's a card system
Basicly if you have a perfect, 4.0 gpa, you get a card that lets you do a lot of stuff
If you have a 3.75 gpa, you get another card that lets you do slightly less stuff
if you have anything below either of these, you get a card that lets you do literally nothing,
and if you manage to miss 5 days of school you get no card at all and you need to get somebody to escort you every time you need to leave a classroom (I'm loving serious)

Now, I wouldn't care so much if the card that was below 3.75 let you go places in the school, but if you want to actually go anywhere you have to run your ass across the building and get them to write you a pass, and then you have to run all the way back across the building to the study hall class period thing, where you turn in that pass to leave the room, and then run allllllll the way back to the class where you got the pass in the first place

it's a needless hassle and it's basically punishing and hindering the abilities of students who need the help in their classes the most

with this I'm going to sleep I've been up way too long
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 01:23:26 AM by Clownfish »

its a way to bribe and submiss students