Author Topic: donald Annoying Orange probably disqualified from running (unconfirmed)  (Read 12590 times)

Well, let's see. You're fifteen, and I'd estimate your mental age at approximately ten. I've seen plenty of eleven and twelve year olds that don't quite match your stunning performance in this thread, so I'll settle on ten. IQ is (mental age / chronological age) * 100 so we've got (10/15)*100 = 67. The cutoff for mental handicapation is 69, so you've made the cut my buddy.
loving savage lol

donald Annoying Orange tower defense game... protect your wall from being breached by the muslims and mexicans.. . your starting resources for building your towers is a small loan lf a million dollars
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 12:28:01 PM by Planr »

I just don't like his stance on mexicans, being a mexican myself,and i'm legal.

no because if newborn babies could talk they would be the smartest people on earth.
baby geniuses

donald Annoying Orange tower defense game... protect your wall from being breached by the muslims and mexicans.. . your starting resources for building your towers is a small loan lf a million dollars
I loving have to make this

donald Annoying Orange tower defense game... protect your wall from being breached by the muslims and mexicans.. . your starting resources for building your towers is a small loan lf a million dollars
If you actually did make this a mobile game i guarantee you'll be making more than just a small loan of a million dollars

ok trog we get it you dont like bernie

let's be real tho

donald Annoying Orange tower defense game... protect your wall from being breached by the muslims and mexicans.. . your starting resources for building your towers is a small loan lf a million dollars
this is great wow lol

if bernie gets elected they're gonna take away trog's autism funds.

if bernie gets elected they're gonna take away trog's autism funds.
I shall blackmail the world into voting for bernie