Author Topic: donald Annoying Orange probably disqualified from running (unconfirmed)  (Read 12597 times)

If donald Annoying Orange is disqualified that would make my day.

If donald Annoying Orange is disqualified that would make my day.
People are so hypocritical, disqualifying someone because you don't like what they said is unconstitutional

Also a stuff ton of "unconstitutional" things obama did but people don't give a stuff about VVV
Edit: google "obama unconstitutional actions" and a bunch of stuff pops up
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 08:23:34 PM by -Fate- »

Im an idiot for saying people who purposely correct you on the blockland forums are annoying pricks
I don't agree with most grammar national socialist things on the internet but if someone says "your an idiot" they deserve to be corrected js

Im an idiot for saying people who purposely correct you on the blockland forums are annoying pricks

No; he utilized inductive reasoning in the form of an argument from signs to make the call that you're an idiot. Let's make a list of signs:

1) Failure to be able to construct a valid English sentence
2) Failure to be able to spell basic words
3) Failure to construct a valid syllogism about presidential power
4) Loose grip on current events
5) Self-centered view on social interaction (i.e. don't do x because I don't like it)

Conclusion: you're mentally a child.

So, let's do one more round of reasoning. Someone who is mentally a child is one of two things.

1) Actually a child.
2) Low IQ, as IQ is by definition the ratio between mental age and physical age.

So, you're either a young child or an idiot.

People are so hypocritical, disqualifying someone because you don't like what they said is unconstitutional
How is that hypocritical
It just means there's a much higher chance he won't be chosen by the republicans

I guess you can say, he "Annoying Orangeed" it.

Also, saying "your an idiot" is a contradictory statement.

No; he utilized inductive reasoning in the form of an argument from signs to make the call that you're an idiot. Let's make a list of signs:

1) Failure to be able to construct a valid English sentence
2) Failure to be able to spell basic words
3) Failure to construct a valid syllogism about presidential power
4) Loose grip on current events
5) Self-centered view on social interaction (i.e. don't do x because I don't like it)

Conclusion: you're mentally a child.

So, let's do one more round of reasoning. Someone who is mentally a child is one of two things.

1) Actually a child.
2) Low IQ, as IQ is by definition the ratio between mental age and physical age.

So, you're either a young child or an idiot.
Wow, congratulations you made a loving speech on how someone should spell right on blockland forums your a hero. P.S I am a child young man im 15 sir

Also, saying "your an idiot" is a contradictory statement.

Not quite. That's actually called a tu quoque logical fallacy. Roughly stated, hypocrisy doesn't invalidate a claim. Just because he's an idiot himself doesn't mean that I am not an idiot. However, he's blatantly wrong with his claim.

Wow, congratulations you made a loving speech on how someone should spell right on blockland forums your a hero. P.S I am a child young man im 15 sir

Well, let's see. You're fifteen, and I'd estimate your mental age at approximately ten. I've seen plenty of eleven and twelve year olds that don't quite match your stunning performance in this thread, so I'll settle on ten. IQ is (mental age / chronological age) * 100 so we've got (10/15)*100 = 67. The cutoff for mental handicapation is 69, so you've made the cut my buddy.

How is that hypocritical
It just means there's a much higher chance he won't be chosen by the republicans
People are hypocritical because they say his muslim plan is "Unconstitutional" while they turn around and do the same thing thats what hypocrisy is.

Sure it might be different sizes of hypocrisy but its still really funny

Please stop your being very annoying im done with you

please stop bowling him

donald Annoying Orange probably disqualified from spelling (unconfirmed)

Please stop your being very annoying im done with you
oh the irony