Author Topic: Star Wars Episode 7 Reactions (WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS)  (Read 13267 times)

He's effectively resurrected.  We're led to believe he's definitely dead, but nope, he miraculously lived. 
So are you saying that obi-wan telling luke his father is dead because vader killed him, means he was resurrected and is total bullstuff?

I don't get why everyone's complaining about there being too many old characters and old refrences to the past movies.

If you took that stuff out, it hardly be a continuation of Star Wars; it just be like a new series of whatever.

So are you saying that obi-wan telling luke his father is dead because vader killed him, means he was resurrected and is total bullstuff?
No.  It would be bs if we saw Obi Wan force push the limbless Anakin/Vader into the lava and burst into flames instead of just leaving him for dead, and then its revealed that Vader is Luke's father.  There Obi Wan just lied, or bent the truth at least.

No, we don't see the pilot die, and it's not too far fetched to think that he could have ejected same as the other guy, but we see the tie fighter on fire, sink into the ground, and explode.  We're clearly meant to believe he's dead.  Perhaps it would be different if he were an A list character, but it seemed like they brought him back for no reason except to add a brief moment of joy that he's not dead and so that he can save the day a couple times by being the best pilot in the resistance.

It probably is just a personal preference and I don't appreciate the dramatic irony, wrought from my being jaded by Arrow and watching too much cinema sins, that when you kill a character they should actually be dead, or at least that there should be something more than "we didn't see the body" to go off of in believing otherwise.  Whatever, I'll accept that nobody is particularly irked by it and move along.

However, blending that with the cavalry coming at just the right moment is a bridge too far for me.  That specific pilot being the one to save the day, and then go on to save the day later that afternoon, doesn't sit well.  It's like if we saw Han in a full body cast prior to him coming with the falcon to shoot Vader's ship and stop him from shooting Luke down so he could destroy the Death Star and then afterward he says that the cast was a prank or something, it just doesn't sit well with me.  And again, maybe it's just me, but I don't like it and I'm going to drop it now.

that when you kill a character they should actually be dead,
But they didn't kill him. They never showed him die.

Would you be pissed off if kylo comes back in the next film? he was just laying in the ground while the entire planet blew up. would you be pissed if captain phasma is in the next film? she clearly died in the trash compacter!

I think you're just upset the film tricked you into believing he died and I find this complaint extremely strange.

I find it weird how the Jedi keep training people that end up destroying them. First it Anakin then Kilo Ren. The Jedi masters need to learn how to sense a "disturbance in the force" better.

I loved the film too but I think it's biggest drawback is the unoriginal plot.

What if Rey was Obi Wan Kenobi's granddaughter and not a Skywalker at all?

What if Rey was Obi Wan Kenobi's granddaughter and not a Skywalker at all?
How is this remotely possible when Obi Wan never got married or fathered any children?

How is this remotely possible when Obi Wan never got married or fathered any children?
We don't know that, Obi Wan never said anything about his life after the clone wars when he was mentoring Luke

its unlikely but not totally impossible
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 02:26:53 PM by Tumbleweed »

yeah obi wan could've had thousands of one night stands

yeah obi wan could've had thousands of one night stands
Also, when Rey touches the lightsaber, you can hear Obi Wan saying "Rey these are your first steps"

In hindsight, the retreading of Episode 4 was what they felt we wanted.

For years the most vocal fans have bashed the prequels and worshiped the originals.

They see this and think "Okay, they want more of the original trilogy," as opposed to "They just want good story, cinematography and acting."

As a result Episode 7 was a large dosage of nostalgia. Whether this is good or bad is a matter of opinion, but either way, they can't say they didn't listen to the fans.

7 may have had many similarities to 4, but the mains themes were very different. One of the original trilogy's main themes was Fate, while the newer movie edged towards the idea of Legacy.

So is Rey Luke's daughter or what?
Someone tried to convince me that she's Han and Leia's daughter but they don't even talk about her at all once they see eachother again after years.

I saw a cute theory that the reason 7 has so many similarities to 4 is that homage is actually a thematic choice. Likely untrue but it'd be super interesting if it was on purpose.