Author Topic: Bear_Tracks\Cantaloupe\Caribou - handicapped swine  (Read 34270 times);u=146853

ID matches the one in the IP. Not surprised that our resident dipstuff is still being a dipstuff.

I'm not even going to bother making a hard evidence drama of him; just looking at his last posts and you'll see what I mean

for those of you who are disabled and can't bear to see his profile, here is a small douse of how handicapped this kid is

I've gotten laid tons of times. In fact, I'm doing it right now! In all seriousness, I've gotten laid on numerous occasions with my super hot 10/10 gorgeous model girlfriend.
I regret not purchasing a few dozen crude oil shares four days ago when I saw that prices were (in my opinion) the lowest they'll be for a very long time. I get a quote today and see that shares are up $4  since I've checked. I could still buy in and add to my very small stock portfolio, but paying $4 more for each share is $4 too much since I already have a very limited amount of money to begin with. I'll probably take a gamble next year when Uber or Airbnb goes public.

BLF: Is there anything you now regret doing?
I'm one of Sugar's biggest fans, I really enjoyed reading these.
I joined a few days ago, and I'm lovin' the Blockland Forums so far!!

I truly believe caribou has some sort of mental disability

He is an idiot, and a bigot.


I've seen this guy many times being a handicap.

yea, and he did that thing on sugar's server

were a few cringeworthy posts really worth making a drama over like cmon give us something more than that

were a few cringeworthy posts really worth making a drama over like cmon give us something more than that
I'm serious he has gone full troll

look at his last posts ragequit you'll see

i cant BEAR to see this guy,

He's definitely a troll but you really should have put some effort into the OP.

were a few cringeworthy posts really worth making a drama over like cmon give us something more than that
He's been doing this stuff for a while now, he's a known idiot, a known script kiddy from time to time, and also a massive, massive cunt.

I'm serious he has gone full troll

look at his last posts ragequit you'll see
idk i dont see anything too bad maybe a little bit

idk i dont see anything too bad maybe a little bit
Check out his last few accounts as well, he has been tamer on this one.

honestly what is the problem lol

if you're going to make a drama give us actual evidence to support the fact that he's a "handicapped swine" dont just tell us to look at his posts

if you're going to make a drama give us actual evidence to support the fact that he's a "handicapped swine" dont just tell us to look at his posts
He's definitely a troll but you really should have put some effort into the OP.

honestly what is the problem lol

if you're going to make a drama give us actual evidence to support the fact that he's a "handicapped swine" dont just tell us to look at his posts
The OP was a little lazy with his information, but if you yourself are too lazy to look at his sources then why are you posting?

Also, don't forget that stuff he did on Sugars server.