Author Topic: Jairo's Vassals and Vandals RP - A MOST HOLY ENDEAVOR! DOWN WITH THE KHANATE!  (Read 20820 times)

And now, all we can do is wait.
=[Battle Results: Tactical Defender Victory]=

=[Attacker Army]=
White Wolf [melee]
11 crack swordsmen [melee]
15 veteran pikemen [melee]
16 trained footmen [melee]
9 crack archers [ranged]

=[Attacker Casualties]=
White Wolf [melee] killed
11 crack swordsmen [melee] killed
15 veteran pikemen [melee] killed
16 trained footmen [melee] killed
9 crack archers [ranged] killed

=[Defender Army]=
Emir Szczepanski [melee]
Giuseppe Sforza [support]
14 veteran footmen [melee]
15 trained footmen [melee]
6 trained archers [ranged]

=[Defender Casualties]=
8 trained footmen [melee] wounded

A most heroic victory, your careful planning and defense-in-depth catch the superior warband's party off guard. The bait party led him right into the heart of your trap, and then you surrounding him on all sides--with slings, arrows, and other makeshift projectiles. His men were blunted and then beaten to death, leaving no survivors, not even the White Wolf himself. A true victory for the liturgical dramas of old, but never again will a chance to prepare so long be given to you again, you guess.

Nevertheless, the villagers thank you as your men loot the enemy's spoils, stealing many of his superior melee tools and promptly reporting back to you for new orders.

waiting too
Bulgar Khan tells you of his deal with Basileus Tiberius--an alliance! Also, as of his return in the Khanate, Bulgar Khan has declared war against the Kingdom of Narvik. The Carpaccian Empire honors the alliance and declares war on the Narvik dogs as well.

Bulgar Khan: "Gather your men, Tu Khan. Today, we ride not to loot the caravans of Tarmoth, but take the city for ourselves!"

Wait until safer conditions, then pursue. Notify Kashmir when possible.
You ride around the desert's outskirts to the formerly treasonous conspirator village of Kashmir. You station yourself in its premises as you await conditions to subside, so that you may investigate his survival--if any. In the meantime, your scout ventures off alone to give a status update.

Feel my face... Have i even shaved???
You are as baby faced as ever.

The cart hits a bump and the board you're sitting over comes loose, dropping you under the caravan and leaving you on the road. The caravan and its guards continue moving forward, none the wiser to your accidental escape.

Sultan Yusuf the Lawgiver has called a Holy War against the Tongol heretics of the Ogden Khanate. The truce between the two nations is hereby broken, and warfare will resume as usual. The target of this holy war is the city of Gobi, a hotspot for Tongol worshipers.

Due to the alliance the Ogden Khanate has with the Carpaccian Empire, the Tebessa Caliphate is now at war with them as well.


The Kingdom of Avignon has officially broken off relations with the Holy Coventry Pact and the Tebessa Caliphate. It has renounced its recognition of independence of the Holy Coventry Pact, calling it nothing more than "our worse half in rebellion" and citing its ally the Masovian Empire's war with the Vaasan Republic as proper handling of a civil conflict. No war has been declared yet.

King Francis the Stammerer's reasoning for dissolving relations with the caliphate are unknown, however.

Bulgar Khan: "Gather your men, Tu Khan. Today, we ride not to loot the caravans of Tarmoth, but take the city for ourselves!"

Tu Khan: Rally the men. We ride to Tarmoth!

I march my troops to Westford, and plunder the village. I continue taking prisoners, and flee at the sight of large groups!

Pull back and tend to the wounded. Keep watch on Sazawa.

Write the Tsar and tell him that an attack alone on Sazawa is beyond our capabilities, but pledge our support alongside his troops for when the time to attack comes.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 11:42:04 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

Tend to the wounded, first and foremost. Loot the remaining men for gold and potential whereabouts of a hideout they may have had, and anything else of importance. When thanked, instruct the villagers to direct their thanks to Giusseppe, and jokingly comment on how this would make for a good song. Try again at recruiting, under the assumption some more men would've been impressed by the display. Grab the White Wolfs head, and have the men haul the rest of the bodies outside the village and burn them. Go around, disabling untriggered traps, before writing a letter to the nearby castles, instructing them of the White Wolfs defeat and that passage is safe for the time being. When all this is done, prepare to head towards Lodz and then circle around and back towards Pskova to inform the guildmaster there of the elimination of the White Wolf as to turn in the bounty.

wiaiting for better conditions

What about Carpaccian tradesmen in Narvik?

Attempt to stay in close following behind the caravan as to not lose my way.

Keep my weapon at the handy, because of darned bandits.

go to coventry and recruit men

Tu Khan: Rally the men. We ride to Tarmoth!
Bulgar Khan: "It appears the Tebessan dogs have broken our truce. I will remain here to recruit and defend. Our mounted archers will do little against the walled cities of the Narvik, so prepare accordingly. Good luck."

I march my troops to Westford, and plunder the village. I continue taking prisoners, and flee at the sight of large groups!
It appears the king himself is aware of your wrongdoing. He briefly leaves Coventry to intercept your party, but you withdraw back to Nortire to avoid confrontation. Surely, you aren't welcome here any longer.

Pull back and tend to the wounded. Keep watch on Sazawa.

Write the Tsar and tell him that an attack alone on Sazawa is beyond our capabilities, but pledge our support alongside his troops for when the time to attack comes.
Tsar Vladimir the Terrible: "Now is the time to strike. Let us focus our forces against these fools and end this once and for all."

Tsar Vladimir returns from his trip to resume his war against the Vaasan Republic. He schedules the assault for next morning, advising your men to rest until then.

Tend to the wounded, first and foremost. Loot the remaining men for gold and potential whereabouts of a hideout they may have had, and anything else of importance. When thanked, instruct the villagers to direct their thanks to Giusseppe, and jokingly comment on how this would make for a good song. Try again at recruiting, under the assumption some more men would've been impressed by the display. Grab the White Wolfs head, and have the men haul the rest of the bodies outside the village and burn them. Go around, disabling untriggered traps, before writing a letter to the nearby castles, instructing them of the White Wolfs defeat and that passage is safe for the time being. When all this is done, prepare to head towards Lodz and then circle around and back towards Pskova to inform the guildmaster there of the elimination of the White Wolf as to turn in the bounty.
You make way to Lodz, a village devastated by the White Wolf's attack. Its buildings are charred and the dead lie all around. If there were any left to converse with, you've failed to find them. Your party turns around to head for Pskova.

wiaiting for better conditions
Your scout returns to inform you of Mubarak's death. He and his retreating men died of heat stroke while fleeing through the desert heat. You take your warband to investigate the scene now that the weather is safe, once again pillaging for his valuables. You receive word of your sultan's call for Holy War during your looting, advising you to seek naval transportation.

What about Carpaccian tradesmen in Narvik?

Attempt to stay in close following behind the caravan as to not lose my way.

Keep my weapon at the handy, because of darned bandits.
A Narvik mercenary group ambushes the Carpaccian caravan, killing its guards and looting its valuables. You successfully hide during the escapade and emerge unharmed after the attack's conclusion. There is nothing left for you to steal save for emergency rations.

go to coventry and recruit men
You play the Avignese betrayal to your advantage, convincing 13 untrained footmen to join your side.

Mass conscription occurs throughout Realm Astor as rulers clamor to swell their numbers. Mercenaries are hired, men are trained, and the known world prepares to enter total war.


A warrior-cleric from the Lei Feng Dynasty named Xi Huintao has published his revolutionary work, The Tome of War, enhancing military theory consciousness in Realm Astor. His book is currently under intense scrutiny by scholars across all of Realm Astor so as to adopt his stratagems.


King Francis the Stammerer has diplomatically insulted King Richard the Lionhearted of the Holy Coventry Pact, further sullying relations between the two countries. There appears no alternative but war now.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 04:17:26 PM by Jairo »

Bulgar Khan: "It appears the Tebessan dogs have broken our truce. I will remain here to recruit and defend. Our mounted archers will do little against the walled cities of the Narvik, so prepare accordingly. Good luck."

A warrior-cleric from the Lei Feng Dynasty named Xi Huintao has published his revolutionary work, The Tome of War, enhancing military theory consciousness in Realm Astor. His book is currently under intense scrutiny by scholars across all of Realm Astor so as to adopt his stratagems.

Head to nearby villages and loot them, take wood and have the men as a workforce to construct wall climbers. When sleeping/resting, read the Tome of War to improve my geopolitical and military strategy

take rations and continue moving on, taking caution and pausing periodically

Continue on to Pskova. Least we killed the ol' Wolf.

take them back to perth and train them to use swords

equip all my current swordsmen and pikemen with leather padded armour, and with steel helmets whilst archers get padded armour and steel helmets only

Ruslan merges his company's ranks with the Tsar's and awaits the attack.