Author Topic: Jairo's Vassals and Vandals RP - A MOST HOLY ENDEAVOR! DOWN WITH THE KHANATE!  (Read 20821 times)

With time running out, Emir orders his men to get bags and fill them with whatever they can find that maintains shape. Use these to make dummies, and take the earlier fallen enemies gear and put them onto the dummies. Put these dummies around in spots where their general shapes can be made out, but close inspection is difficult. Put fifteen of these dummies around the village, and order ten men to hide in the closest set of trees to the east, to attack the enemy from the most unguarded flank when the enemies arrive. Leave the north-eastern most of the village undefended, and make some light defenses around it. Make some defenses within the village itself, so if the enemy is to be drawn into the unguarded area it'll end up with them being surrounded. Hunker down, eat and raise morale, and await to try to draw the enemy into their trap(s). Make sure the troops are well rested, have some villages whom volunteer to act as lookouts and scouts as to be able to preemptively prepare for an enemy attack at any given time.

Look for any loose items in the cart to steal and profiteer from in the Capital.

ATTACK THE VILLAGE OF NORTIRE! Steal whatever we can that might aid us in our fight against the Holy Coventry, and burn as much as we can to the ground. Do not the women or children--take them as prisoners. The gods have plans for them!

Pray to Tengri for the good will of the soldiers and myself.. Continue patrolling, and discipline the troops making sure trust is first- this is to prevent assassinations from troops.

Your scout warns you of an impending force unlike any other. He can't place where the footsteps are coming from because they appear to be coming from everywhere. Your men brace for battle.

Adalwolf warns his men to stay away from open areas and stick to cover as the bandits are bound to have sharpshooters supporting them.

He also advises to use any available weapons such as hatchets.

Loot the rest of the party and notify the villagers they may return. Send the scout to pursue and monitor Mubarak. Once the business at the village is concluded, pack up and hunt him down.
You say your goodbyes to the villagers after pillaging what was left of the enemy's forces, capturing numerous weapons but waiting to distribute them. For now, you must ride to finish the job and eliminate Mubarak the Scourge.

With time running out, Emir orders his men to get bags and fill them with whatever they can find that maintains shape. Use these to make dummies, and take the earlier fallen enemies gear and put them onto the dummies. Put these dummies around in spots where their general shapes can be made out, but close inspection is difficult. Put fifteen of these dummies around the village, and order ten men to hide in the closest set of trees to the east, to attack the enemy from the most unguarded flank when the enemies arrive. Leave the north-eastern most of the village undefended, and make some light defenses around it. Make some defenses within the village itself, so if the enemy is to be drawn into the unguarded area it'll end up with them being surrounded. Hunker down, eat and raise morale, and await to try to draw the enemy into their trap(s). Make sure the troops are well rested, have some villages whom volunteer to act as lookouts and scouts as to be able to preemptively prepare for an enemy attack at any given time.
Your men make final preparations for the White Wolf's arrival. Some men stand outside the village's limits to attract him towards your meticulously plotted trap.

Look for any loose items in the cart to steal and profiteer from in the Capital.
You pocket a few trinkets and shiny medallions sitting in unsealed containers.

ATTACK THE VILLAGE OF NORTIRE! Steal whatever we can that might aid us in our fight against the Holy Coventry, and burn as much as we can to the ground. Do not the women or children--take them as prisoners. The gods have plans for them!
You assault the civilians of Nortire, subduing their pitiful militia and quickly assuming control. You set its buildings ablaze and steal its meager riches before corralling its women and children (12 in total) before your troops. The day is yours.

Pray to Tengri for the good will of the soldiers and myself.. Continue patrolling, and discipline the troops making sure trust is first- this is to prevent assassinations from troops.
You make ready to welcome Bulgar Khan back from his diplomatic mission to Basileus. The deal reached at the conference--if any--hasn't leaked yet, so it's unknown what has happened.

Adalwolf warns his men to stay away from open areas and stick to cover as the bandits are bound to have sharpshooters supporting them.

He also advises to use any available weapons such as hatchets.
As you lie in wait for Walhaz's attack, you hear the sounds of crossbow strings being let loose--and the whizzing of bolts flying all around you. Walhaz's attack has begun, but his men are merely toying with you; picking away at your entrenched position.

Your men make final preparations for the White Wolf's arrival. Some men stand outside the village's limits to attract him towards your meticulously plotted trap.

Order MY men to not immediately kill the White Wolf if possible. But, if push comes to shove, all we really need is his head.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 09:17:29 PM by grunterdb1951 »

while in the cart, think about my privateers on land idea

Gather the troops and go in to skirmish in Sazawa.

Order MY men to not immediately kill the White Wolf if possible. But, if push comes to shove, all we really need is his head.
Your orders are understood as your men await his appearance. They signal to you his coming, and you prepare to spring into action.

I do just that.
The extra weight slows your pursuit down somewhat, but you maintain a bead on Mubarak's fleeing corps. He's heading through the blazing deserts in the west towards Kashmir, a suicidal move at this time of day. Should your men continue their stalk?

while in the cart, think about my privateers on land idea
ur wot

Gather the troops and go in to skirmish in Sazawa.
The Sazawan defenders have already set up wooden positions to resist such an attack. They quickly repulse your paltry numbers and force you to retreat having sustained many wounded. Surely, you will need more help to topple the entrenched enemy.

Tsar Vladimir begins his travel back to his homeland today having secured peace for his time. He swears nothing but suffering for the Sazawan dogs.

Bulgar Khan, too, returns to his homeland today having finished talks with the Carpaccian Empire. Still their dealing is a secret, but for how much longer?

Your orders are understood as your men await his appearance. They signal to you his coming, and you prepare to spring into action.

And now, all we can do is wait.

Bulgar Khan, too, returns to his homeland today having finished talks with the Carpaccian Empire. Still their dealing is a secret, but for how much longer?

waiting too

Wait until safer conditions, then pursue. Notify Kashmir when possible.

Feel my face... Have i even shaved???