Author Topic: Jairo's Vassals and Vandals RP - A MOST HOLY ENDEAVOR! DOWN WITH THE KHANATE!  (Read 20819 times)

Head to nearby villages and loot them, take wood and have the men as a workforce to construct wall climbers. When sleeping/resting, read the Tome of War to improve my geopolitical and military strategy
You assault the village of Gork, a fief under the protection of Sval Myrsky, destroying its infrastructure and stealing its treasures. The Tome of War is in a language you do not understand, not to mention books are very valuable at this time. You do not own it.

Head west to Saalih.
As you stop at Yasser Castle to take a boat over to Saalih, a fellow Tebessan vassal stationed there speaks with you.

Bedri Hussein: "Be prepared to lose many a valuable man when you set foot in their lands. Show them no mercy."

take rations and continue moving on, taking caution and pausing periodically
You fumble your way back into friendly territory, specifically the prosperous village of Bern. You take brief residence there as you wander about looking for information.

Continue on to Pskova. Least we killed the ol' Wolf.
The way back to Pskova is long, and so your men rest in Circassia on the way there. Your men's morale appears in good health, and so you celebrate before departing to turn in the bounty.

When you do arrive in Pskova, the guardsmen hand you a pamphlet regarding mercenary work as a result of the rebellion. You navigate to the bounty office and turn in the White Wolf's head, collecting a handsome sum of gold.

take them back to perth and train them to use swords

equip all my current swordsmen and pikemen with leather padded armour, and with steel helmets whilst archers get padded armour and steel helmets only
You retrain your men and equip them with leather armor, but forsake steel armor due to its steep price.

Ruslan merges his company's ranks with the Tsar's and awaits the attack.
=[Battle Results: Costly Attacker Victory]=

=[Attacker Army]=
Tsar Vladimir the Terrible [cavalry]
87 veteran spearmen [melee]
1 engineer [siege]
22 trained archers [ranged]

Ruslan Stoika [melee]
Raskolnikov [companion, support]
21 trained footmen [melee]
4 trained archers [ranged]

=[Attacker Casualties]=
67 veteran spearmen [melee] killed
16 veteran spearmen [melee] wounded
8 trained archers [ranged] killed
2 trained archers [ranged] wounded

3 trained footmen [melee] killed
5 trained footmen [melee] wounded

=[Defender Army]=
Prince Simo the Elder [melee]
29 trained swordsmen [melee]
7 trained pikemen [melee]
50 trained footmen [melee]
23 trained archers [ranged]

=[Defender Casualties]=
Prince Simo the Elder [melee] routed
19 trained swordsmen [melee] killed
10 trained swordsmen [melee] routed
7 trained pikemen [melee] killed
36 trained footmen [melee] killed
14 trained footmen [melee] routed
13 trained archers [ranged] killed
10 trained archers [ranged] routed

The capture of Sazawa is a bloody one. Tsar Vladimir's party takes the brunt of the force, losing more than half of his men in the conflict. Prince Simo the Elder tactically withdraws during the offensive, retreating to Litvosk to rally a defense. Your men evict the enemy loyalists from their homes, displacing them elsewhere and causing a small bit of unrest in the town.

Tsar Vladimir the Terrible: "I thank you for your help, but this fight isn't over yet. My men are not prepared to assault Litvosk, but in a short while we will have stomped this rebellion into the dust beneath our feet. Our people will welcome us as liberators."

From what little has been translated and studied of The Tome of War thus far, Xi Huintao details a superior mastery of organization and leadership, of battles involving hundreds or even thousands of men; a far cry from the tens of tens led by men in Realm Astor. This information will need to be further digested before its knowledge becomes commonplace among war leaders everywhere, inevitably causing a revolution in military doctrine.

Ask around for contacts to Basil's Guild in Basileus.

Buy some new clothes.

Camp outside of town, treat the wounded.

Recruit at Saalih, then head across the strait.

As you lie in wait for Walhaz's attack, you hear the sounds of crossbow strings being let loose--and the whizzing of bolts flying all around you. Walhaz's attack has begun, but his men are merely toying with you; picking away at your entrenched position.

Adalwolf continues his wait within the town waiting for the bandits to approach, he calmly reminds men within his reach not to leave their cover until necessary. 

Recruit, train, and head north-west to Bohr.

Ask around for contacts to Basil's Guild in Basileus.
Village Elder: "There are a few caravanmasters in Basil's Guild we deal with. I hear Giovanni recently passed, but his brother Luigi's taken the reins. A fine job he's done in keeping the business from fracturing, he has. A few of my men will be riding to Basileus tonight to request a troop garrison. Feel free to join them."

Buy some new clothes.
You purchase the highest quality threads in Bern, giving yourself a more professional appearance.

Camp outside of town, treat the wounded.
You and Tsar Vladimir do just that. You can hear the shouts of what might be Vaasan troops, but they fail to capitalize on your statutory condition.

Recruit at Saalih, then head across the strait.
You recruit 6 untrained footmen at Saalih and then depart for the Ogden Khanate, landing just outside of Tsungen Camp. There is an obvious enemy presence waiting within the camp's walls, and they are anything but unaware of your party's existence.

Adalwolf continues his wait within the town waiting for the bandits to approach, he calmly reminds men within his reach not to leave their cover until necessary. 
Walhaz draws out his siege, psychologically chipping away at your men through the use of whistling bolts. A few footsoldiers are struck and critically injured while hiding in cover, prompting your men to rush his crossbowmen and disrupt their formation. Your men successfully cut a hole in Walhaz's siege, lessening pressure and ostensibly catalyzing a counter-strike.

Recruit, train, and head north-west to Bohr.
You recruit 6 archers before making way to the small village of Bohr.

The first discovery from The Tome of War has been implemented. Through the founding of barracks and early military schools, squires can now be recruited from any capital city. Squires can be sent off to do your dirty work like recruiting, missions, or trade running. Think of squires as your very own vassals, but be warned: you may only have one at a time and if they think themselves too highly, they may defect from your leadership.


A small flotilla of Tebessan vessels exploded in an adjacent Bakur drydock early this morning. An investigative committee has already been dispatched to collect information, but many countrymen claim to already know who's responsible.

Construct wall climbers out of the loot and head to Tarmoth to siege!

Put some coin aside to prepare to buy a translated copy of the Tome of War when available. Prepare to recruit, treat the wounded, and ask for news upon arrival.

Village Elder: "There are a few caravanmasters in Basil's Guild we deal with. I hear Giovanni recently passed, but his brother Luigi's taken the reins. A fine job he's done in keeping the business from fracturing, he has. A few of my men will be riding to Basileus tonight to request a troop garrison. Feel free to join them."

Thank the elder for his service and rendezvous with the Basil's Guild caravanmasters.

Giovanni must've been really important..

Adalwolf orders half his men to sweep through the trees and flush out the attackers around the edge of the village, taking crossbows with them after they retreat.

hey sorry, I've been super busy. Can I go on stasis for a while and just sorta flee towards Lorraine

Regroup with other Tebessan forces.

Construct wall climbers out of the loot and head to Tarmoth to siege!
Your men lay siege to the city of Tarmoth. Its defenders do not take your move quietly, sending a hail of crossbow bolts your way before ceasing to ensure civilian safety.

Put some coin aside to prepare to buy a translated copy of the Tome of War when available. Prepare to recruit, treat the wounded, and ask for news upon arrival.
You recruit 7 untrained footmen from Bohr. The village elder asks you if you would be willing to train the village's militia so as to be more resilient against bandit raids.

After hearing of tensions between the caliphate and Avignon, Giuseppe speaks with you.

Giuseppe Sforza: "Perhaps this is a chance for us to take--more specifically, for me to ascend to the Avignese throne. Lutece is like a ripe fruit, just waiting for us to pick it, and King Francis is like a worm, killing it from the inside. Do not forget why I journey with you, Emir."

Thank the elder for his service and rendezvous with the Basil's Guild caravanmasters.

Giovanni must've been really important..
You join the caravan back to Basileus and take a well-deserved nap as you await your arrival. After coming to the city's gates, you are dropped back on the capital's streets, the world waiting before you.

Adalwolf orders half his men to sweep through the trees and flush out the attackers around the edge of the village, taking crossbows with them after they retreat.
You employ a strategy of divide and conquer, thereby causing Walhaz to temporarily pull back. Your men attempt to equip themselves with the dropped weapons, but Walhaz's attack comes in full-force.

=[Battle Results: Pyrrhic Defender Victory]=

=[Attacker Army]=
Walhaz [ranged]
45 trained spearmen [melee]
15 veteran crossbowmen [ranged]

=[Attacker Casualties]=
Walhaz [ranged] killed
26 trained spearmen [melee] killed
8 trained spearmen [melee] wounded
11 trained spearmen [melee] routed
15 veteran crossbowmen [ranged] killed

=[Defender Army]=
Adalwolf Braunau [melee]
20 trained footmen [melee] (3 wounded)
1 trained scout [support]

=[Defender Casualties]=
Adalwolf Braunau [melee] wounded
9 trained footmen [melee] killed
7 trained footmen [melee] wounded

Walhaz's attack comes quickly and fiercely, catching your frontline off guard and thereby decimating it. He appears to have grown impatient and foolhardily roostersure of victory, sending many of his initial recruits elsewhere to re-man their bandit camps. The remaining troops he has commit to a Self Delete blitz to the village, many falling victim to your mens' hardened resolve. Walhaz himself spots you and loosens a bolt, critically injuring your shoulder before being stabbed to death by one of your men. His remaining troops flee to safety as you count the dead.

hey sorry, I've been super busy. Can I go on stasis for a while and just sorta flee towards Lorraine
sure thing, I can put you on stasis for a little while

You flee from the Pact's hallowed grounds and return to Lorraine where many in the taverns there have heard your name whispered--though not in jest or in toast. You decide to reside in Lorraine after hearing of the Avignese declaration against the caliphate, hoping for some divine message to speak to you.

Regroup with other Tebessan forces.
Bedri Hussein, whose warband was meant to join you in your naval invasion, was attacked by Avignese warships before narrowly escaping back to Yasser Castle. As a result, you set up camp by your lonesome in enemy territory.

The Tebessan investigation of the harbor explosion has come out with some damning evidence of an Avignese plot. Sultan Yusuf has issued a decree to King Francis: "I demand a levy of 50,000 gold pieces from your treasury and an explanation for your motives, otherwise I will have no choice but to bar your people entry and diplomatically alienate you."

King Francis responded: "I will save you the trouble--the Kingdom of Avignon formally declares war upon you foreign pigs."

The Masovian Empire, with their own grievances to air out, refuse their ally's call to arms and dissolve said alliance. Tsar Vladimir is quoted as remarking: "Francis has become volatile as of late, for reasons I've no idea. May the gods provide him aid, for I will not."


The superior Avignese navy has begun blockading operations against the entire Tebessan coastline which lay claim to the River Scipio. The Tebessan fleet is currently off-map and will need some time to respond to this treacherous attack. As such, any attempts to cross the river will surely end in a watery grave.


Amateur diplomats have secured a temporary truce between the Masovian Empire and the Kingdom of Avignon in their endeavor against the Kingdom of Narvik. War will resume when either 1) any party violates the neutrality guaranteed by the truce or 2) auxiliary wars are settled between any truce patron and their enemy.


Tsar Vladimir approaches Ruslan in his tent outside of Litvosk.

Tsar Vladimir: "Can you smell that? In the dramas of old, they tell of a fragrance that precedes the death of a king in these lands--it is a pungent scent, and one that will waft its way into the coats of Simo and Osmo. We will assault Litvosk tomorrow. Gather your men."

You recruit 7 untrained footmen from Bohr. The village elder asks you if you would be willing to train the village's militia so as to be more resilient against bandit raids.

After hearing of tensions between the caliphate and Avignon, Giuseppe speaks with you.

Giuseppe Sforza: "Perhaps this is a chance for us to take--more specifically, for me to ascend to the Avignese throne. Lutece is like a ripe fruit, just waiting for us to pick it, and King Francis is like a worm, killing it from the inside. Do not forget why I journey with you, Emir."

The Tebessan investigation of the harbor explosion has come out with some damning evidence of an Avignese plot. Sultan Yusuf has issued a decree to King Francis: "I demand a levy of 50,000 gold pieces from your treasury and an explanation for your motives, otherwise I will have no choice but to bar your people entry and diplomatically alienate you."

King Francis responded: "I will save you the trouble--the Kingdom of Avignon formally declares war upon you foreign pigs."

The Masovian Empire, with their own grievances to air out, refuse their ally's call to arms and dissolve said alliance. Tsar Vladimir is quoted as remarking: "Francis has become volatile as of late, for reasons I've no idea. May the gods provide him aid, for I will not."

Emir Szczepanski: "I understand your enthusiasm to ascend your rightful throne, and in many cases I admire you for it- But along with this opportunity, a few others have arisen. Should we assist Tsar Vladimir, we would no doubt be able to gain his support in overthrowing Francis, and thus enlocking a preemptive alliance with the emperor. I believe that, if we let the conflicts continue for a short while and garner support, when we go in we'll have an overwhelming advantage against the enemy. This is in part why I am bothering to assist the small folk- to improve your name within these realms, and significantly boost your right to rule, to the point where the peasantry may take up arms in your name. Allow me to gather some men, and to gather further support for you, and then we will have Francis' head hang over the gates to Lutece, and you ruling the kingdom from a throne that is rightfully yours, my lord."

Agree to help train the villages militia, and drill them in the way of guerrilla warfare, traps, general warfare, and guiding enemies into said traps, along-side general training. Have your men assist in training, to boost their capabilities.

Turn these seven footmen into skirmishers, or an equivalent unit type.