
Most likely to be in a band

0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Glistenin' G
0 (0%)
Violet Sentry
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (9.1%)
Copy III
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
King C
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Sidney Radclyffe
1 (9.1%)
The Kid
5 (45.5%)
1 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Author Topic: ROOTY SHOOTY: 𝐙𝐎𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 [we return and hopefully on a stable schedule]  (Read 91885 times)

Shoot creepies. Or crawlies. Complete objectives to get better stuff.

Die Rolling
In combat, you'll have 3 stats. Speed, Accuracy, and Effectiveness. SEA. On each roll, you'd start out with 0 of each, but your roll will determine your number. Weapons or gear may have a positive or negative on stats. Speed figures out who attacks first. Accuracy tells you if you actually hit stuff. Effectiveness shows how good (or bad) you were at doing something. So if you got a S6, E6, and A6, you'd be Satan and also land an amazing attack.
Numbers, from worst to least, are like this. (With an example of shooting yourself)
1 - Major forgetup. You shoot your teammate, kill them, disable both of your hands, and attract a large amount of enemies.
2- forgetup. You try to shoot yourself and instead shoot your teammate.
3 - Minor forgetup. You try to shoot yourself and miss.
4 - You did it. You shoot yourself and die.
5 - Great success - You shoot yourself in a dramatic way and give a bonus chip to your teammates for the next two rounds, inspiring them to fight in your name.
6 - Amazing success - You shoot yourself, die, cause any enemies in the area to follow suit, inspire your teammates, and cause sympathy from a scavenger to give your team free weapons.

Archibald / Marco / Bruce

Health [8/18]
Archibald is a retired mafia boss who spent 37 years of his life as the kingpin of a Detroit mafia family. He had a revelation after gunning down an opposing family with his boys and decided to take up Buddhism and yoga. Despite his menacing looks and dashing Hawaiian shirt/Khaki pants combo, several decades of severe alcoholism and drug abuse has hindered Archibald's physical and mental ability, but he is still one tough mama.
- Flashlight (1/3 Battery power) (1E)
- 600 Dollars
- Mint Condition Generic Pistol (No bullets) (2S)

Health [18/18]
The renowned under-boss of Archibald's mafia family, Marco was distraught after he found out that the boss had left for an indefinite hiatus in the Himalayas. After Archibald's leaving, Marco rose to the top of the mafia food-chain and commanded the family in Archibald's place. After mutiny sprung out in the bottom ranks of the family, Marco was quick to leave Detroit and ended up a wanderer.
- 600 Dollars
- Scrappy Assault Rifle (No bullets) (2S 1E 1A)

Health [18/18]
A capo within the Detroit mafia family, Bruce was a beefcake through and through. After signing the blood pact at 20 years of age, Bruce has stuck with the family through every hardship. When Archibald inevitably retired, Bruce followed suit and became more of a bouncer-like figure.
- 500 Dollars
- Off-Brand Unlucky Grenade Launcher (No grenades) (3E -1S -2A)

[Gang Submitted By Doughboy]


Health [11/18]
Prior to the apocalypse, he was a (chaotic neutral) biker dude who had fun doing whatever he wanted. After the zambies happened, his experiences shaped him into a hardened leather jacket wearing duder, and he carries around a fireaxe looking for gas for his bike.
- Fireaxe (1S 2E)
- 500 Dollars
- Motorcycle (No gas)
- Haunted RPG (12 Rockets) (5E -3S -1A)

[Submitted By TheKid]


Health [18/18]
Born in a small religious town, Ben didn't have much choice when it came to jobs. His mother was a pilot and his father was the town's sherrif. His mother taught him how to fly a helicopter, and his father taught him how to shoot a gun. When the apocalypse came, it struck Ben's town hard. He was forced to kill everyone in the town, or to run away. He chose the first one. Always optimistic, no matter the situation.
- Batteries
- Old stuffty Revolver (1A 2E) (0 bullets)
- Knife (2E)
- Sparkling water in a flask.

[Submitted By cromartini]

Blaze Kingz

Glistenin' G
Health [18/18]
Before the apocalypse, G was the leader of a large gang that ruled over Detroit and played a great role in trafficking of ~Dank Weed~, among other things.  He didn't use deadly force himself - instead opting to order his gangsters around, or putting drugs in drinks when it came to offing mob bosses.
- Small amount of weed.
- Bitchin' Cane (1S 1E)
- 300 Dollars
- Mediocre Grimy SMG (No boolet) (3S 2E 1A)

Violet Sentry
Health [18/18]
A bouncer hailing from Portugal, moved to Detroit in search of a relative, and wealth.  Got dragged into G's gang "Blaze Kingz" by the balls, and has served as a guard and fighter since. Very tough, has lots of experience with firearms, speaks formally. Got lost in the chaos when the apocalypse erupted, is trying to find the gang again.
- 300 dollar
- Scrap spear (-1S 2E)

Health [18/18]
In Noord-Holland born and raised, was son of a rich businessman before being "chosen by the thug lieeefe, man." His curiosity eventually led him to Detroit, where he joined the Blaze Kingz in search for action and drama. Able to dodge attacks (melee or ranged), capable explorer and scavenger. Badly hurt his eye in the apocalypse's wake.
- Cooler eyepatch (3E)
- 100 dollaridoos.
- Scrap knife (2S 1E)

[Gang Submitted By Cybertails1998]

Health [8/18]
Originally a gun maker, his decades of experience in the arms industry have given him an edge in both gun creation/modification, as well as gun-based combat. After leaving his home in search of a place that won't eventually be overrun, he stuck around an urban area to wait for more people to travel with. Generally a stern old man, he has more patience with children and young adults than people his own age. Dislikes highly religious people.
- Silenced Flimsy Magnum (24 Bullet) (2A 3E)
- Wet Assault Rifle (86 Gun Food) (2S 2E 1A)
- 450 Dollars

[Submitted By hodototman]

Health [2/18]
Chad was an ex-military commando. After getting an dishonorable discharge for giving the VIP to the enemy, then going to the enemy base with a tracking device he put in the VIP, and blowing up the base (With the VIP still inside), he became an mercenary. He also "Worked" in the place that caused the apocalypse.
- 200 Dollars
- Forest camo shotgun (1E 1A)
- No boolets
- Forest Camo jacket, camo pants, and camo biker helmet.
- 5 Bags of crushed chips
- his arm

[Submitted By cromartini]

Copy III

Health [18/18]
A sentient robot part of a company known for their feats in engineering and robotics. This was a step toward the future. Copy's unit type was meant to be kind, serving and loyal to humans. Copy was the 3rd Unit made. As the other 2 had failed. During copy's test period, the apocalypse started. So copy never really left his testing period. Copy has now awoken and will do what he was intended to do. Be loyal, kind, protective and serving.
- 200 Dollars

[Submitted By Copy Kirby]


Health [13/18]
Daniel is extremely proficient with electronics, working with them from an early age. He also occasionally worked on (and raced) his track car, whenever he could afford parts for it. He usually tends to stay quiet and seemingly calm. Despite being patient, once he's pissed, he can be a force to reckon with. He almost never removes his helmet, even when sleeping, as he likes the sense of anonymity it gives him. Even though he didn't grow up in the Detroit ghetto, he was forced to attend a school in it since other schools were too far away. Gang violence dominated the school, and his quiet, reserved nature (And occasionally, being white) meant that other students often began fights with him. This forced him to learn how to fight in order to defend himself. He excelled in his classes and managed to graduate high school a year early. He was a sophomore at the University of Michigan when the apocalypse happened.
- Tech Racing Helmet
- Small .38 Revolver (5-round cylinder) (1S 2E)
- 2 Circuitiry

[Submitted By Dragonslayer182]

Health [18/18]
He used to work at the facility that caused all this mess.

- 240 Dollars
- Tile (1E)
- Parasite

[Submitted By }]Crazy[{]


Health [18/18]
An American mob boss who's spent 9 years of his life in the criminal underworld.  After the apocalypse, the mob broke up.  He's been trying to hunt down the leader of the Russian mafia to crown himself king of the streets. Danny has no empathy, and will kill and sacrifice others no matter what.
- 200 Dollars

[Submitted By Kidalex90]


Health [6/18]
Jason isn't very athletic and cannot run as fast as the other characters, he's very cautious about what he's supposed to do, like if he had to press a button, he would be hesitant to press it incase something happens if he were to press it. Jason is also slightly smaller than the other characters, his cautious nature helped him survive this apocalypse and he hopes it will help him in the future.
- 600 Dollars

[Submitted By Merp]


Health [18/18]
Martial arts enthusiast and a big fan of Japanese culture (mostly ninjas), Jordan was always the more brown townytical type. Prefers to stay out of direct confrontations and instead opts for stealth and trickery before dealing the final blow. Can predict the enemy's 7th attack, including what they say during the attack.
- 0 Dollars
- 3 Throwing Knives (2S)
- 1 Knife (1E)

[Submitted By Crystalwarrior]

King C

Health [16/18]
Smith, who goes by "King Clobber" now, was an avid hunter of northern game, such as deer, elk, moose, turkey, etc. After he couldn't stay on his property due to the threat of the undead, he was forced to travel to the land. Now that regular game is hard to find, he seeks to beat the snot out of a magnificent beast, preferably with a sledgehammer, mallet, or his bare fists, mostly the latter.
- Fists (2E)
- 300 Dollars
- 14 Cans of Beans
- Worm Tooth (2S 2E)

[Submitted By kongo]


Health [15/18]
Before the apocalypse, rusty was a mechanic/welder, who was content with life pre-apocalypse. Now that it has hit, it has done nothing but annoy him. Rusty has experience with cracking, and opening safes, and repairing automobiles. Armed with only a monkey wrench, and a hammer, Rusty wanders the wasteland looking for survivors.
- Sturdy Hammer (3E)
- 400 Dollars
- Chip bag

[Submitted By kidplasma]

Health [18/18]
Born into a strict Catholic family, Sara grew up in a big home in a nice neighborhood. She wasn't interested in the religion her mother and father forced her into, but her rebellious nature caused her to forge her own spiritual path focused on demonology and witchcraft. When the dead began to walk the earth, Sara took this as an opportunity to further her own interests in the occult, eventually experimenting with different concoctions and rituals on her own zombified parents. She mostly spends her days meditating or reading occult grimoires and lexicons. Whether or not you take her belief with any credibility at all, her research has allowed her to develop potent herbal remedies (and otherwise) for many different ailments.
- Al Shagoth's Grimoire For Dummies
- 500 dollars
- Wanda's Witchcraft 50% discount coupon

[Submitted By Remurr]

Sidney Radclyffe

Health [11/18]
Used to work in tech support, where he's had angry, moronic customers shrieking profanities and death threats at him the entire time. Sidney would much rather prefer being verbally abused all day long, since his customers were still human, and not horrific abominations trying to murder him. Plays a mean clarinet and absolutely loves his action movies, which he always watched after a stressful day at his workplace. He has absolutely no combat experience, but he's not worried(or possibly delusional) at all. All those action movies make it look so easy and badass! Even if he has no experience at first, he'll quickly learn on the fly or do some sort of training montage and then he'll be a badass, right...?
- Flute
- 500 dollars in pennies
- Marine Helmet (+1E) (-1 E to attacker when attacked)
- Fully Automatic Pistol [3S 2E -2A]
- 4 Bullets

[Submitted By tber123]

The Kid

Health [18/18]
Before the apocalypse, The Kid was just an ordinary kid who wanted to defeat the all-mighty Guy. After several deaths and retries, he succeeded, and became the hero of his TOWN. Now, with no ability to retry and save himself, he is only armed with a pretty weak pistol, luck, and a great ability to dodge.
- Weak Pistol (6 Bullets) (1E)
- 200 Dollars
- Empty chip bag

[Submitted By The Murderous Cop]

Health [2/18]
A demon who has roamed the surface ever since the apocalypse began. Unlike other demons, who seek to kill or devour humans, he takes interest in them. He has stayed out of sight, brown townyzing them, observing them, and at the same time, perfecting his own survival skills against the monsters that roam the world. His past interacting with other humans have been met with hatred and attempts at his own life. As such, he's developed a slowly growing dislike for humanity. Do not mistake him for being a cold-hearted individual, he may show a softer, more sentimental side and protect a human if it is the only thing that keeps them from dying.
- Sword (+1S +1E)
- Splint
- Crushed bag of chips

[Submitted By lord techno]

Scroll down for more Info
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 05:29:25 PM by Legoboss »


To clarify, what's this part for?

[Highlight text, spoilers]

Madboy - Madboy punched an explosive barrel, was infected with dirty water, and then bled out.

Mattony Luster - Mattony was eliminated by Potatoh's Unholy Hellspawn. He was caught in the blast radius as the creature blew up a store.

Tyreese - Tyreese kicked down two people supporting an incredibly heavy door, as a result one of his legs got incredibly forgeted, and kind of just rotted away in the elevator.

Carl - He stayed on the first floor for too long, it was only a matter of time before Zombie Madboy found him.

Elianna - She stayed on the first floor for too long, it was only a matter of time before Zombie Madboy found her.

Orion - He fell down a long, long elevator shaft.

(Characters submitted will show up soonish.)

(First one is for people who don't wanna fill out a buncha stuff)

Submission sheet      
Character Name:
Overlay Color:


This is loving dope. I love the character designs, and the way you do this is just great in of itself.
I wish the best of luck apon Rusty. he's a cool dude.

Drawing time boyo

I have no Idea what the wormzombie thing (flesh blob?) would be like, so sorry if it seems weird
that art I posted earlier: stuff. It was dark, I was tired, so I tried something for real.

Demons are monsters, who only desire to kill and destroy...But this one, he does not act like the rest...A friend? Or a foe waiting to strike?

I drew Jason

In honor of Sidney being voted "Least Likely to Survive", I made this:

Most Likely to Survive - Sara

Least Likely to Survive - Sidney Radclyffe

Biggest Badass(es) - Asher and Archibald (Tie)

Best Cook - King C

Best Fighter - King C

Scariest Character - Xexal
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 08:41:01 PM by Legoboss »

Character Name: Cecil
Overlay Color: Brown
Backstory: Originally a gun maker, his decades of experience in the arms industry have given him an edge in both gun creation/modification, as well as gun-based combat. After leaving his home in search of a place that won't eventually be overrun, he stuck around an urban area to wait for more people to travel with. Generally a stern old man, he has more patience with children and young adults than people his own age. Dislikes highly religious people.

Character Name : Archibald
Overlay Color: Red
Backstory: A retired mafia boss who spent 37 years of his life as the kingpin of a Detroit mafia family. He had a revelation after gunning down an opposing family with his boys and decided to take up Buddhism and yoga. Despite his menacing looks and dashing Hawaiian shirt/Khaki pants combo, several decades of severe alcoholism and drug abuse has hindered Archibald's physical and mental ability, but he is still one tough mama.

Character Name: King C. (shortened from king clobber)
Overlay Color: faded salmon i guess
Backstory: Smith, who goes by "King Clobber" now, was an avid hunter of northern game, such as deer, elk, moose, turkey, etc. After he couldn't stay on his property due to the threat of the undead, he was forced to travel to the land. Now that regular game is hard to find, he seeks to beat the snot out of a magnificent beast, preferably with a sledgehammer, mallet, or his bare fists, mostly the latter.

so for the combat system, do you roll for everyone? because it seems like people could just lie about it and never get a 1 or 2
also what happens if two guys use the same amount of chips

so for the combat system, do you roll for everyone? because it seems like people could just lie about it and never get a 1 or 2
also what happens if two guys use the same amount of chips
If two people get the same amount of chips, we roll a 6 die and whoever gets the higher number from there moves.
And I roll for everyone.

Character Name: Cecil
Overlay Color: Brown
Backstory: Originally a gun maker, his decades of experience in the arms industry have given him an edge in both gun creation/modification, as well as gun-based combat. After leaving his home in search of a place that won't eventually be overrun, he stuck around an urban area to wait for more people to travel with. Generally a stern old man, he has more patience with children and young adults than people his own age. Dislikes highly religious people.

Character Name : Archibald
Overlay Color: Red
Backstory: A retired mafia boss who spent 37 years of his life as the kingpin of a Detroit mafia family. He had a revelation after gunning down an opposing family with his boys and decided to take up Buddhism and yoga. Despite his menacing looks and dashing Hawaiian shirt/Khaki pants combo, several decades of severe alcoholism and drug abuse has hindered Archibald's physical and mental ability, but he is still one tough mama.

Character Name: King C. (shortened from king clobber)
Overlay Color: faded salmon i guess
Backstory: Smith, who goes by "King Clobber" now, was an avid hunter of northern game, such as deer, elk, moose, turkey, etc. After he couldn't stay on his property due to the threat of the undead, he was forced to travel to the land. Now that regular game is hard to find, he seeks to beat the snot out of a magnificent beast, preferably with a sledgehammer, mallet, or his bare fists, mostly the latter.

Accepted! Will add to the op as characters and have the first update tomorrow!
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 03:30:51 AM by Legoboss »

(i couldn't be assed to draw a skirt in so many different poses so i leave that to you, ian)

Name: Elianna

Overlay Color: That shade of purple.

Backstory: In a way, being a survivor of a zombie apocalypse was one of Elianna's dreams. She's obsessed with horror, having read practically every book, playing every game, and watching every movie about zombies. Little did she now, however, that it would actually be one of the most traumatizing experiences for her. She's searching for her parents whom she fears are dead by now. Armed with only an aluminum softball bat (her chainsaw's out of gas), Elianna's ready to beat whatever comes across her path to death.

Name: Madboy
Overlay Color: Red
Backstory: The son of a fallen legend, Madboy travels to the abandoned outskirts of earth to find his father that left him at a early age. With the only thing that's been on his mind for the past 30 years, Madboy has learned to decimate anyone that blocks his way. Gets uneasy when birds are near. Wants Annoying Orange to win the presidential election.

King C has woken up from a quick nap on some crates, as he heard the sound of others.

Madboy is crushing the head of a green creature, who was doing nothing but staring up to the stars.

Cecil is observing a bus, cut in half. It is unclear how this happened.

Archibald is exploring the ruins of an build where an old friend of his used to work.

Elianna is observing a strange figure below, moving around on some crates.

As you are all currently out of combat, you may submit your actions freely. You have no weapons on your person as of now but you may search the area.

archibald : go to that vending machine.

Name: Carl Stevenson
Overlay color: Dark Red
Backstory: Originally a member of a Swat team before becoming a electrician. Carl knows how to work with traps, create improvised weapons and take out a room of baddies with deadly speed. Armed with only a section of iron pipe. Also really loving hates ignorant fools.

>Ellianna: If the distance is safe enough, jump down and see who's down there. If not, shout "Hey you!" or something to that effect just to get their attention.

Madboy: punch the red barrel with all of your loving might

Overlay color:Dark Orange
Backstory: Before the apocalypse, rusty was a mechanic/welder, who was content with life pre-apocalypse. Now that it has hit, it has done nothing but annoy him. Rusty has experience with cracking, and opening safes, and repairing automobiles. Armed with only a monkey wrench, and a hammer, Rusty wanders the wasteland looking for survivors.

Edit: Fixed the bottom sprites.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2016, 03:34:48 AM by kidplasma »