Author Topic: Nickpb, child enthusiast/Child Predator, overall useless piece of stuff  (Read 211884 times)

your avatar was just black and white for me

am i going handicapped
It was for me too so no were not.

please stop
someone report the entire thread so we can have it locked holy stuff

new evidence and info is brought to this thread every 25 or so pages

if it got locked there would just be a new thread

nothing here is resolved, the situation is a mess and is only getting messier with every post

i must have nudes from every blf member at this point.
not from me bb ;)

nah but i actually have sent someone on this forum one, but I wont say his name because it would royally forget both us. I'm actually surprised how many people send nudes on this forum. I thought it would be a lot less.

i still think the legal stuff is bullstuff

like 2/3 girls at my highschool send nudes to 18 year olds at least once in their time at warren

the real question is does tills qualify as a "hoe ass bitch"

i personally think yes. yes she does

i'm sure Nick is terribly busy walking around the streets with your girlfriend taking selfies and being infatuated with her
The sizzling that this post made was what woke me up this morning.

At one point I actually liked and respected you but now it is clear that you don't actually have any idea what you are talking about and that you really cannot take a joke. Don't make comments like this unless you actually know what the hell you are talking about or understand the humor involved.
Excuse me? You're going to claim to dislike me, and lose all respect for me, because I didn't appreciate your parody account/drama? I did call it petty to do such a thing, and it's just as petty to hate me because I didn't approve.
I didn't call you a cunt, I didn't say I don't like you. I even said I didn't expect such silliness from you.

I will make comments like this as I like, particularly when I don't require some outsider knowledge that you made a rude, and frankly, inappropriate topic and account just to attack someone.

Consider for a moment that this Drama is regarding, as I'm sure you would agree, a sensitive subject. "Is there an adult member of the community who may be loveually harassing young girls?".
KickFlow unfortunately did use the words child enthusiast and Child Predator, which you're right, he should not have used to describe someone without a more complete knowledge of the situation. But that's in the past now. He can't change what he wrote even if he wanted to.

But you decide it's appropriate to create a second topic, calling KickFlow the same thing, without evidence. That is silly.
Yes, it's also a joke, but at the same time, you are still trying to smear someones name with such accusations. That is petty.
You were adamant and forthright earlier on in this topic about your views, but when others aren't necessarily agreeing with them, you resort to creating a parody account and even spamming the topic. That is petty.
You decide that it's acceptable to create a spam thread and account, even though it's a listed rule. That is silly.
In order to defend your corner of the argument, you start throwing up jokes, and suggesting that KickFlow is a child enthusiast like Jimmy Saville (btw this is how I knew it was you). That is silly.

You're in this topic, trying to defend a guy who has some very very serious allegations thrown against him. The evidence so far points towards Nick knowing that Tills was 15 when he sent her pictures. You're currently in a tough spot to defend the guy.
And that's not a problem. I don't think you're wrong to defend a friend. And yes, there is crucial evidence missing to confirm the allegations. You have every right to defend Nick.

But you decided that the best way to do so was to spam and throw stuff around? To make a fool of yourself, of your arguments, of your cause?
I'm sorry, but you have been stupid.

The reason I 'shrugged dooble off' is because we had been friends since version 8 of the game and then he starts saying stuff like that???
We've been friends in the sense that we used to play a lot on mine/Liquids server, around 2008-2012ish. We had a lot of fun, and I do like you.
But we're not "always talking on skype, texting at midnight, best of friends".

I've had very little contact with you these past few years outside of the few times you come to the forums.
It is exceedingly cruel of you to call me two-faced for judging your actions, especially when I haven't known you for so long. Your actions do not fit into the character I did know.

And as for anyone calling me two-faced, I take great offence from it being you, given that you masqueraded as a girl for the 3-4 years I was actually close friends with you.

And one more point, if we are friends, you should not get so vitriolic over me calling this action of yours silly/petty.
My friendship does not mean I cast a blind eye to anything you do, or will reserve judgement on your actions.
What it does mean is that I won't treat you differently, even if I disagree with what you say/do.

I didn't think much less of you for what you've done, by the way. I have friends who have done more annoying things than you, who I can still forgive and get on with. Had we been speaking any time after your stunt, I wouldn't have held it against you, or likely even mentioned it. We could still be friends.

If there is anyone who has sabotaged the friendship we had, it's been you, who has gone out of their way to burn bridges, because I didn't agree with one thing you did.
Maybe you should look at yourself a little more.

sir dooble slappin stuff stuff out of silly fools

sir dooble slappin stuff stuff out of silly fools
slappin the stuff god damnit

Excuse me? You're going to claim to dislike me, and lose all respect for me, because I didn't appreciate your parody account/drama? I did call it petty to do such a thing, and it's just as petty to hate me because I didn't approve.
I didn't call you a cunt, I didn't say I don't like you. I even said I didn't expect such silliness from you.

I will make comments like this as I like, particularly when I don't require some outsider knowledge that you made a rude, and frankly, inappropriate topic and account just to attack someone.

Consider for a moment that this Drama is regarding, as I'm sure you would agree, a sensitive subject. "Is there an adult member of the community who may be loveually harassing young girls?".
KickFlow unfortunately did use the words child enthusiast and Child Predator, which you're right, he should not have used to describe someone without a more complete knowledge of the situation. But that's in the past now. He can't change what he wrote even if he wanted to.

But you decide it's appropriate to create a second topic, calling KickFlow the same thing, without evidence. That is silly.
Yes, it's also a joke, but at the same time, you are still trying to smear someones name with such accusations. That is petty.
You were adamant and forthright earlier on in this topic about your views, but when others aren't necessarily agreeing with them, you resort to creating a parody account and even spamming the topic. That is petty.
You decide that it's acceptable to create a spam thread and account, even though it's a listed rule. That is silly.
In order to defend your corner of the argument, you start throwing up jokes, and suggesting that KickFlow is a child enthusiast like Jimmy Saville (btw this is how I knew it was you). That is silly.

You're in this topic, trying to defend a guy who has some very very serious allegations thrown against him. The evidence so far points towards Nick knowing that Tills was 15 when he sent her pictures. You're currently in a tough spot to defend the guy.
And that's not a problem. I don't think you're wrong to defend a friend. And yes, there is crucial evidence missing to confirm the allegations. You have every right to defend Nick.

But you decided that the best way to do so was to spam and throw stuff around? To make a fool of yourself, of your arguments, of your cause?
I'm sorry, but you have been stupid.

We've been friends in the sense that we used to play a lot on mine/Liquids server, around 2008-2012ish. We had a lot of fun, and I do like you.
But we're not "always talking on skype, texting at midnight, best of friends".

I've had very little contact with you these past few years outside of the few times you come to the forums.
It is exceedingly cruel of you to call me two-faced for judging your actions, especially when I haven't known you for so long. Your actions do not fit into the character I did know.

And as for anyone calling me two-faced, I take great offence from it being you, given that you masqueraded as a girl for the 3-4 years I was actually close friends with you.

And one more point, if we are friends, you should not get so vitriolic over me calling this action of yours silly/petty.
My friendship does not mean I cast a blind eye to anything you do, or will reserve judgement on your actions.
What it does mean is that I won't treat you differently, even if I disagree with what you say/do.

I didn't think much less of you for what you've done, by the way. I have friends who have done more annoying things than you, who I can still forgive and get on with. Had we been speaking any time after your stunt, I wouldn't have held it against you, or likely even mentioned it. We could still be friends.

If there is anyone who has sabotaged the friendship we had, it's been you, who has gone out of their way to burn bridges, because I didn't agree with one thing you did.
Maybe you should look at yourself a little more.
