Author Topic: Any players you just simply hate?  (Read 291351 times)

Lord Tony
Raccoonneerr or whatever annoys me

Oh yea add maxx to this

Heres my list.
Eh I can't remember anyone else.....

Heres my list.
Lord Tony.
Double post.
I forgot Lord Tony.

Oh yea add maxx to this
"he was mean on my discord im adding him to my jock hit list"

time to express people i dislike because it gives me inspiration

insert: i don't really have a problem with him but when he pushed the fact around that "he was depressed af" it sort of gave me the vibe he was an attention whore, he's all round an okay guy besides him being a little too bit sensitive to jokes.

clownfish: at first he was nice but i have a little bit to explain here
his discord was nice, but eventually became the breeding ground and the playing card for himself to look cool to other people and be a richard because "he's the fat rat who makes all the rules"
after a while he started to "not like me" because me and 3 other people saw steve looking up loli in davy jones, (which we go against), so we decided to post a bunch of stuffty memes in that channel
he removed our image embedding privileges and since has given them theirs back, but taken away mine
after a while, he even had set my roles to "everything degenerate" and would sometimes mention me and try to instigate handicapped stuff
now after i brought this up to him like "what the forget is going on"
he simply said "gee man all i did was be annoying once why are you so mad? lol lol lol"
he uses his discord as a cane to put himself up on a pedestal like it somehow means anything that "he's the leader of the cool kid club and if you disagree with him you should leave", like his popularity on the internet means something.
the only reason i was clinging to his discord was because i liked talking to some of the people there and even SOME didn't like talking to me, it was a nice public outlet to sort of give the forums an irc, but it's run by an utter richardhead.
after me arguing with people because i was having a problem with startacker today, he subsequently banned me after he said "i can show you the door" and I said "yea sure guess i gotta go home", because he's an starfish
tl;dr, he currently runs a discord and if you have a problem with him then hes going to become toxic towards you and start messing with you

alternative: socially unstable and doesn't understand how to interact with anyone whatsoever, when he talks to me he just throws around my last name and the bag joke like a child threatening to call CPS on his parents because he didn't get the chocolate bar at the candy store

startacker: possibly the most sensitive human being, after playing competitive games with him to which i acted competitively he removed me because some handicap over the mic said some stuff and i called the person who was talking stuff autistic, had to convince him to play with me again because "i'm toxic"
when you can't handle someone's opinions on videogames on the internet maybe you shouldn't be playing those games

pie crust: i don't really mind him but when he throws around the idea that "i stuck my snake so far in my dogs starfish that it started shrieking" and other bestiality stuff it starts to get a little annoying

Cubular monoxide: he goes to the extent on his youtube channel filled with a cesspool of cancerous undertale content to actually not credit the loving authors and when he gets called out for it throws a passive aggressive hissy fit. he's basically another one of those channels that practically pulls the soflo idea and steals other content from different websites and puts them on differing websites to avoid copyright strikes, and when he does get one he'll most likely react negatively and send his fanbase full of screaming children at the author of artwork.
the thing that actually ticks me about this guy is that he gets paid for the content he "creates", as he has said in his "skeletons talk about ads" video which he has since removed to avoid the annoyed opinions of other people that think that his content is literally nothing but text scrolling across a image which it actually loving is.
his content has gone beyond the lengths of not only exploiting a already fnaf-level fanbase for views and jew-gold money but also stealing the content that he puts his entire channel around for the "text scrolling" noises from underblale. all he does to add to those videos which are sad excuses for "transformative-edits" is reveal the text onscreen as the comic panels are moving and add the sound effect that plays when a character is talking.
tl;dr, his content is based off the works of other people and it adds no creative-architecture to the images he rips from tumblr, he just gets jew gold from little kiddies in the undertale fanbase.

kochieboy: people have seen me reference him several times in fish tank and i am going to explain why.
about a year ago he was running a gta v cheating stream to which i genuinely disapproved of cheating in said game around that time
about 20 minutes after the stream was running it got raided and people started flooding in randomly, now, i had nothing to do with this and i have no idea who did it, so whoever did it is a little mean on their part but now i'm going to rectify that statement by explaining what the forget he chose to do.
after people flooded in, he got ddosed offline by some guy using multiple user accounts.
he chose to go after me thinking that i did infact post his stream on 4chan, which if you do it has a chance to blow up a stream and people came in.
but heres what he did, he chose to go to one of my friends who i valued as being a friend with them, and tried to get them persistently over the summer of 2015 to loving dox me.
yep thats right.
he tried to get one of my friends, someone who i trust majorly, to loving dox me and put my personal info out there because some kid posted his stream and it got raided.
he basically uses this as a defense against anyone who hurts his touchy little feelings over the internet because he feels he needs his to take down the people who are on his jock hitlist because they said a mean comment on the intronets.
but it gets better really
he was an admin on the original blockland discord, (aka a furry cesspool now,) and used to haggle me for stuff that was handicapped. if i was to argue, he would turn power-hungry mode on and start finding an excuse to ban me from the discord because him and his furriends didn't like me.
he's a loving terrible person overall and even has worn a dog collar that levels him down to a complete degenerate, he is desperate to get his mighty revenge on someone who's offended him on the internet and will find any way or excuse to be intolerable around them.

now these are just opinions i have on select people, regardless of who says what to insult me and go against these opinions, unless these people actually change or find a way to make themselves tolerable these opinions will stay the same. some of this is mostly opinionated, but then there is other points that are factual that contribute to the opinion to give people another perspective.

insert: i don't really have a problem with him but when he pushed the fact around that "he was depressed af" it sort of gave me the vibe he was an attention whore, he's all round an okay guy besides him being a little too bit sensitive to jokes.
As I've said, I set that in my discord name so my friends (who help me through this stuff) to know how I was feeling. Plus me being sensitive to jokes? Oh sure mocking me and my depression and saying my friends do not care, sure are some whole-hearted "jokes."

I only really dislike you for being somewhat insensitive / very hostile or dense at times. Any other time though you're fine

As I've said, I set that in my discord name so my friends (who help me through this stuff) to know how I was feeling. Plus me being sensitive to jokes? Oh sure mocking me and my depression and saying my friends do not care, sure are some whole-hearted "jokes."

I only really dislike you for being somewhat insensitive / very hostile or dense at times. Any other time though you're fine
never said your friends don't care, but im pretty sure that if you say you're going to cut yourself "to let them know how you feel" then they're going to think you're a loving sociopath
just a little word of advice when i was going through being depressed the same stuff happened to me
when people on entropia set their name to "bothered af" and "sad af :((((" you left because you couldn't handle it and called us all richards
you were being sensitive

You Don't Need Builders To Make Annoying Oranges Wall Just Have My brother Maxx Type It Up

never said your friends don't care, but im pretty sure that if you say you're going to cut yourself "to let them know how you feel" then they're going to think you're a loving sociopath
just a little word of advice when i was going through being depressed the same stuff happened to me
when people on entropia set their name to "bothered af" and "sad af :((((" you left because you couldn't handle it and called us all richards
you were being sensitive
I never set that as my name, all I put was "Insert Name Here (depressed)" so they knew, nothing more.
Also why wouldn't I leave that Discord when I'm being mocked at when it's something very sensitive to me? Mocking anyone due to how they feel is starfish-ish behavior.

I'm fine with jokes I don't mind them, but when I get straight up loving mocked with a feeling that I cannot control, or family related stuff or topics touchy with me, that's when things happen cause those are sensitive topics with me.