Author Topic: [Redacted]  (Read 27139 times)

You should probably leave your house before the students burn it down

school in 7 hours. will update with how it goes.

this is probably the best thing i've ever read in a while.

I mean, you did do it with the intentions of riling people up, but some people just blew that stuff way out of proportion. Either way it is hilarious.

We're waiting OP. Don't let us down.

So did you or a buddy get crucified yet?

plot twist: it's the most normal school day imaginable

let the heat die down and then rain fire. corrupt their minds and start a fiery reign!

I didn't get stabbed.

So people are still talking about it, though in a more calm manner. Several people politely questioned me about it as I entered the building. I asked my first hour teacher if he recalled telling everyone to sit down when they were swarming us. He seemed to think it was funny, and said that he only told them to sit down because he felt like a fight was going to break out. When I said we needed a sponsor, he legitimately seemed to consider it, but decided against it. On the way to my second hour, a guy screamed 'YOU GUYS HAVE NO LIFE!' to which I responded 'SATAN IS MY LIFE!'. Second hour teacher seemed really upset about the whole thing, as he is pretty religious. In fourth hour. the teacher asked to speak with me in the hall about my group. It's worth noting that I once carried a box of old framed Bible quotes from her house for her, so she's probably religious. She said that a lot of people were upset because religion is very important to them, and moreso because they were worried about us making a Satanic display at the Pep Rally, perhaps invalidating our chances of winning a school spirit contest. Don't worry--we won.

Several students asked to sign up in the halls, and we had to get a larger form. It's turning into a sort of atheist-joke. At lunch our table was relatively clear, although several people visited and asked us about the group. We explained it to them, saying that anyone could enter. A few even signed up. Fifth hour (Journalism) thought it was hilarious and were really surprised to know I was involved, with the exception of the teacher. I hadn't attended 5th hour Friday because of the threats. More people signed up. I quickly realized that there was legitimate interest in this club, and stopped treating it entirely as a one-time joke. We asked the sixth hour teacher if she wanted to sponsor us, as a joke, knowing she was deeply conservative and religious. She explained her moral and religious objections to the group.

I ended the day with more than 20 people signed up for the club, and some teachers considering sponsoring us. I received several supporting emails, including one from a professional graphic designer who was inspired by our story and made us a  badass logo. This could be a thing! It's not about Satan anymore... it's sort of a free-speech thing. I want to get the nonreligious crowd lunch meetings at the same time as Spartans for Christ just to say that we DID that. I want a club to ourselves just to say 'holy crap, we started a Students for Satan club in our Highschool. We did that".

Today the support vastly overwhelmed the anger. I'm definitely gonna pursue this club.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 08:54:55 PM by McZealot »

Good luck with itl

Godspe... er... Satanspeed to you.

good for you
fight the good fight

see now it's actually awesome instead of just hilarious

a professional graphic designer contacted us. Inspired by our story, he made us a badass logo for free