Author Topic: things that people do on the BLF that you hate  (Read 61429 times)

Dramas that are just "Person sucky, pls help me h8 on person. Bcuz person bad person"

When black people make accounts
And the guy who taught them how to.

When people who are drama'd derail the drama so it doesn't make progress.

When everyone craps on raccooneer and asks him to lock every topic he makes.
Also thread derailers

"User derailed threads lalalal" when in reality that user didn't derail stuff, just people overreacting to nothing

Furries who whore for attention with researchographic avatars and then get offended when someone tells them they're sick and perverted

Furries who whore for attention with researchographic avatars and then get offended when someone tells them they're sick and perverted

Furries who whore for attention with researchographic avatars and then get offended when someone tells them they're sick and perverted
molten's avatar is pretty bad too now

Furries who whore for attention with researchographic avatars and then get offended when someone tells them they're sick and perverted
this but also anybody who sets their icon to anything anime/furry/etc related and then they get stuff for it and they act like they didn't expect it to happen like really?

Well, no one expects to get bashed for a forum avatar.

Pretty much every time somebody randomly stuffs on undertale. It's a quirky rpg game that at it's worst is a solid okay. I don't get what the deal is with this seething hatred people have for this game and I'm pretty much settling with the fact that it's because it's popular and a lot of people talk about it.

Pretty much every time somebody randomly stuffs on undertale. It's a quirky rpg game that at it's worst is a solid okay. I don't get what the deal is with this seething hatred people have for this game and I'm pretty much settling with the fact that it's because it's popular and a lot of people talk about it.

I think the game is interesting but the extreme fans are... gross and should literally die.

I think the game is interesting but the extreme fans are... gross and should literally die.

Honestly it's a good thing people are passionate about games that they like. If it makes them happy then I'm all for it. I agree on the whole research thing being weird, but discouraging people from being vocal about their likes is a pretty stuffty thing to do

I think the game is interesting but the extreme fans are... gross and should literally die.
yea but it's not like it's the only one
stuff like touhou, fnaf, sonic the hedgehog, and more also have the same problem

yea but it's not like it's the only one
stuff like touhou, fnaf, sonic the hedgehog, and more also have the same problem

yeah I know they should do the seppuku-shuffle too