


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 787139 times)

support mains trying their hardest to help and survive
im trying they just keep running from me

not bad

here are some highlights from my matches
Reaper POTG

"look at this team, we're going to do great!"
>3 snipers and 2 dps

Oh lucio

tdm experience: chose widow, "widow switch to good character", "i have", then we win with 10 points ahead of the other team

my placements yesterday were a grim reminder that the mercy rework cannot arrive fast enough

one match we had a mercy main who seemingly would not res unless it was at least 3 people, so she used it once the entire game (her soldier buddy proceeded to tell us to "play tank if you can't DPS" after we lost, because that was clearly the problem)

Not only that but the new mercy is just more fun to play, same with new dva

What really boggles me is the fact people think the new mercy is less of a dedicated support because she can fly and shoot. Like brother, she can revive people AT ANY TIME now, and a good team would laugh at a mercy trying to go battle medic on their ass instead of helping her team.

What really boggles me is the fact people think the new mercy is less of a dedicated support because she can fly and shoot. Like brother, she can revive people AT ANY TIME now, and a good team would laugh at a mercy trying to go battle medic on their ass instead of helping her team.
The revive is A LOT weaker.

For one, you can't "Revive at any time", it's on a 30 second cooldown. Once that 30 second cooldown is over you still have to be a lot closer than before, have a shorter timeframe than before, can only revive one person compared to the entire team, and you are no longer invulnerable while using revive. The free rez after ulting should be removed imo, but the 10 second cooldown while ulting is fine because you still have to get close to rez and ulting makes you a big ass target.

deathmatch i super fun

but this tho lmao, assist pain

yeah all i do in deathmatch is kill steal as soldier 76

i won deathmatch as rein yesterday and i feel like i deserve my gold hammer now

went 4/5/1 in promos, i got placed higher than i ended last season

thanks game, doing me a solid rn

I won a dm as torb where's my potg dammit

tfw you get 3 dm potg in a row, with the same people, you never win and you have the most assists all 3 games

rest of the players saw me as a meme at this point