
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2231277 times)

deus please tell me why you're actually advocating for a fascist dictatorship

It was a joke

Apparently Mozilla has joined the fight against "fake news" so I now have to resort to loving internet explorer just to escape the wave of censorship
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 10:25:55 PM by Deus Ex »

ohhhhhh man.
u know what time it is?

Imma change my avatar to a snake so whenever I post there's richards everywhere

Imma change my avatar to a snake so whenever I post there's richards everywhere

maybe then you'll finally be kicked out

maybe then you'll finally be kicked out

I want nothing more than to be free of this curse of posting

I want nothing more than to be free of this curse of posting
post hot anime tits

oh god all the times that people have used leisuresuits profile pic as a reaction image are suddenly super hilarious LOL

Luckily somebody enjoys repairing things and will be by shortly to repair it for me.

I know this is part of a joke, but coming from a genuine place of curiosity, I don't understand where this logic comes from. I've been in my attic trying to fix my AC in the Georgia summer heat before. It's not an easy or remotely pleasant job. Even the guy we paid to do it couldn't shut the forget up about how difficult it was.

Who in America is willing to do these laborious jobs for nothing in return? Not even a sweet potato? Most people prefer to drink beer and watch TV in their spare time.

EDIT: Nevermind, just caught the second half of the post. Apparently he's working in exchange for not literally starving to death. Jesus christ, that'll certainly do it.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 10:49:01 PM by Rally »

i mean.. isn't that why anyone works?

i mean.. isn't that why anyone works?

I guess maybe in Angola. I think the majority of people want to work so they can afford luxuries and the lifestyle they want. Being forced to repair air-conditioners so the government doesn't take your house and food away sounds somewhat demoralizing.

karl marx is polarizing me into a conservative

I know this is part of a joke, but coming from a genuine place of curiosity, I don't understand where this logic comes from. I've been in my attic trying to fix my AC in the Georgia summer heat before. It's not an easy or remotely pleasant job. Even the guy we paid to do it couldn't shut the forget up about how difficult it was.

Who in America is willing to do these laborious jobs for nothing in return? Not even a sweet potato? Most people prefer to drink beer and watch TV in their spare time.
If you were told "Hey, here's a free house and access to whatever resources you could ever need within reason. We noticed you are trained to fix machines, please uphold your end of the bargain by fixing a machine every once in a while. No pressure, though, because there's tons of other people willing to help out." you would still hate doing it? Most people complain because of compiling pressure. Maybe it's the 10th AC they repaired today, as per company demand, and they can't ask for help because other repairmen are out meeting their own quotas. Not to mention, all the potential repairmen that could have been hired to make their job easier and lessen the workload were refused in order to maintain a net profit for the company.

karl marx is polarizing me into a conservative
kimon was probably alt right all along

If you were told "Hey, here's a free house and access to whatever resources you could ever need within reason. We noticed you are trained to fix machines, please uphold your end of the bargain by fixing a machine every once in a while. No pressure, though, because there's tons of other people willing to help out." you would still hate doing it? Most people complain because of compiling pressure. Maybe it's the 10th AC they repaired today, as per company demand, and they can't ask for help because other repairmen are out meeting their own quotas. Not to mention, all the potential repairmen that could have been hired to make their job easier and lessen the workload were refused in order to maintain a net profit for the company.
In addendum, most people feel a basic instinct to return a favor in whatever way they can, by contributing to society using their skills. They will likely understand that contributions to society in return for its support is what keeps it running, and knowing that they are essentially helping society function gives them purpose, meaning. Purpose is the ultimate incentive, and will likely not be ignored.

I want nothing more than to be free of this curse of posting

karl marx is polarizing me into a conservative

It was only a matter of time

not gonna lie looks like a good time jammin tho