
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2232539 times)

hey aren't we rewarding bank robbers by not throwing their kids in jail too? imo we should imprison the families of murderers, that way there's no incentive to murder people, you know?
If their parents came here with them while they were still children - and I mean children, not like 11, 12, 13+ year olds - then we should give them a proper path to citizenship.
so let me get this straight buddy, you think 11+ year old kids can just decide not to move with their parents to another country? you think twelve year olds can live on their own?
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 05:21:57 PM by Foxscotch »

We need to selectively enforce the laws so long as it pertains to solely me

really makes you think!

man not deporting mexican people is such hard (and expensive) work, all of deus ex's funnybucks are being rapidly funneled into their various ambiguous welfare programs that are being catapulted over the border to their fifteen million mexico families in the form of hard drugs

Not only that, but DACA rewards people for breaking the law, which is bullstuff. I don't care what kind of heartstring tugging story a "dreamer" has, the fact of the matter is you're an illegal citizen. The only ones that should be handed citizenship are ones that came here without any will of their own.
The issue here is that you don't actually understand how DACA works. The program affords legal status to people who were brought to the United States at a very young age by their parents. It doesn't 'reward people for breaking the law' because the parents are still considered criminals. It exists so that we don't have to send people back to a country they've never even known, while they've been productive, law-abiding members of our society throughout their entire life.

In other words, every single dreamer is 'one that came here without any will of their own'. That's the whole point of the program.

If their parents came here with them while they were still children - and I mean children, not like 11, 12, 13+ year olds - then we should give them a proper path to citizenship. All DACA does is kick the can down the road every two years. Otherwise, they need to go.
But you know that this is impossible because of Republican opposition. Dreamers are ineligible for a green card, which means they can't get legal citizenship. Democrats would be fine with putting in a path to citizenship but it's people from your cant who are blockading it at every step.

The ideal of 'let's put in a legal path to citizenship' is bullstuff if nobody wants to do it. If you end a program that helps good, hard-working immigrants, you are kicking them in the teeth while doing nothing to improve their path to legal status. Sugarcoating it with some footnote about 'providing a proper path to citizenship' is bullstuff and you know it. Say what you mean, not what you think sounds good.

Illegals are illegals, and at the end of the day they should be deported, and the only reason we don't deport all of them are logistics, the backlash the government would get from deporting millions of people, and the omnipresent bullstuff excuse "WHO'S GONNA PICK OUR PRODUCE" which is honestly the most ridiculous thing ever, but what can you expect from the same party that was pro-slavery a couple hundred years ago.
Honestly I'm a million times more proud to subscribe to Democrat ideals rather than the party that re-instituted Jim Crow-era disenfranchisement in the form of drug laws less than forty years ago.

Plus, we all know that there was a polar switch in ideals back in the 1960s, so that's additionally kinda awkward?

really makes you think!

The forget are you even talking about

man not deporting mexican people is such hard (and expensive) work, all of deus ex's funnybucks are being rapidly funneled into their various ambiguous welfare programs that are being catapulted over the border to their fifteen million mexico families in the form of hard drugs

I mean... yeah? You act like this is a thing that doesn't happen.

hey aren't we rewarding bank robbers by not throwing their kids in jail too? imo we should imprison the families of murderers, that way there's no incentive to murder people, you know?so let me get this straight buddy, you think 11+ year old kids can just decide not to move with their parents to another country? you think twelve year olds can live on their own?

I honestly don't give a stuff because they aren't 11 or 12 what the forget ever age you want to attempt to garner sympathy with now. They're adults. They can be deported. As I said, we should make special cases, but in general, I don't care if they're gone, because they're basically nonpersons that shouldn't be here in the first god damn place. And could you make a less handicapped argument? Bank robbers are not the same as illegals. The child of a bank robber is not automatically a bank robber. On the other hand, crossing the border with your parents still makes you an illegal alien. Stop. Being. handicapped. I know it's hard but you can do it if you just try REALLY hard! I believe in you!

if a law considers you a criminal for simply existing incorrectly through no fault of your own then i'd consider that a pretty mcfreakin poorly written law. i can agree in principle at least that people who enter a country illegally are breaking the law and should be punished (in the context of US law my opinion isn't as straightforward because of gripes i have with the system, but it at least logically follows and i acknowledge that), though children who simply got brought along for the ride aren't accomplices. they aren't complicit in the crimes of people who made the decisions for them and i don't see why they should suffer the same consequences.

to expand on foxscotch's brown townogy, if a child was used as a prop or actor in a bank robbery, they wouldn't be thrown in jail with the people who planned it. they aren't responsible for the actions of the adults who thrust the crime upon them and they aren't considered fully capable of understanding their actions, or they were manipulated/forced into doing it without volition of their own
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 05:27:46 PM by otto-san »

no illegal immigrant children at all.. they will mail money back to their overlords in mexico.

if a law considers you a criminal for simply existing incorrectly through no fault of your own then i'd consider that a pretty mcfreakin poorly written law.
the republican party: writing stuffty laws and then defending them on the basis of 'law & order' since 1967

I mean... yeah? You act like this is a thing that doesn't happen.

if obama bin laden didn't install those mandatory conveyor belts on the mexican border we wouldn't even be dealing with all these illegal immigrants, believe me

hey aren't we rewarding bank robbers by not throwing their kids in jail too? imo we should imprison the families of murderers, that way there's no incentive to murder people, you know?

idk last i checked we dont let the families of thieves keep the money

they aren't complicit in the crimes of people who made the decisions for them and i don't see why they should suffer the same consequences.

because they're here illegally?

We should consult the Turks on how to deal with unwanted minorities