
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2233697 times)

If 2020 is Oprah vs. Annoying Orange I'd want to leave the country

if that is the case i will convince kim to fire the missiles

if oprah runs for president and actually makes it to the general elections, we're pretty screwed as a country on both sides

we're pretty screwed as a country on both sides
screwed on both sides doesn't sound so bad.....

screwed on both sides doesn't sound so bad.....
cursed loving post

The Time He Desires is the story of Aziz, a cheetah in a faltering heteroloveual marriage who explores the boundaries of his loveuality with the help of a gay fox.

If 2020 is Oprah vs. Annoying Orange I'd want to leave the country

Kanye all the way BABY!!!

[img ]https://i.imgur.com/lSt8WsU.png[/img]

what do you mean lefties are unfit to serve

what do you mean lefties are unfit to serve

Yes, T H E L E F T will run the gay furry comic book artist for Congress or something

Yes, T H E L E F T will run the gay furry comic book artist for Congress or something

weren't we just talking about how Chelsea loving Manning is running for senate

Yes, T H E L E F T will run the gay furry comic book artist for Congress or something

Considering the widespread special interestization of fringe identities for politicians uuuh