
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2444086 times)

did somebody say CLIQUE

did somebody say CLIQUE

Invite to the shadow state cabal sent over PMs. Welcome to der kult, ubermensch

Not a loving chance, you're a complete creep and I wouldn't want to throw people under the bus.

lmfao ok dude

you think if corderlain successfully joined a clique he would've become clique Riddler and started the clique wars of 2018 against e-maxx's union of egoists discord

anyways if there's a union of egoists discord hit me up i'll join it striner is my fursona

This is even funnier now that I know this is straight up projecting. Apparently Corderlain was really desperate to try and join a few conservative cliques here and got rejected because nobody can stand him.

fun fact: i was the first person to vote no

Red spy saves the clique

The fact any of these stuffburgers think I have the time to play backroom politics on the internet is hilarious.

you imply that you have time to play politics on the internet by continuously posting in this thread

hell you even tried to join a conservative discord you've shown you have plenty of time to play politics on the internet
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 09:11:28 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

The fact any of these stuffburgers think I have the time to play backroom politics on the internet is hilarious.

Even if you had the time would be irrelevant, you wouldn't have a choice either way

you've got enough time to stuffpost on the internet

you've got enough time to stuffpost on the internet

Kids are with the Gramps and gf is out of town for the rest of tonight therefore dude time.

as a father myself i think you should drop this

as a father myself i think you should drop this

Same way your parents dropped you?