
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2444047 times)

just what do you think the "life" part of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" means? cereal?

Are you loving high

no, but it doesn't mean your opinion would still be relevant after 200 years

take that marx. communism confirmed irrelevant

just what do you think the "life" part of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" means? cereal?

you are allowed to have those things, government cant keep you from it.
it does not mean the government has to be the one to give them to you...

the ironic thing about these midterms is that they are great for purging moderate republicans either in the primaries or general. democrats loading their bases by knocking out moderate republicans in republican-leaning seats just makes it easier to refill those seats with farther-right republicans the next cycle

for perspective, if clinton had won and republicans had an identical generic ballot performance to 2014, the result would be 65 republican senators after this year's elections if the same margins as 2016 held. the dems are already way too heavily loaded in red states in the senate and doing in the house is going to be a nightmare for them in following cycles. 2024 will probably be a slaughter for them assuming a democrat wins in 2020

if that margin continued to hold, it would be 69 republican senators in 2020 and 72 in 2022. turns out having all your political power based in a few centralized areas is a bad idea for controlling an equal-representation body
« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 12:26:35 AM by Kearn »

damn...they got the new recruitment video out fast

When do we build the Death Star?

Okay so apparently, IMGUR now has a 512kb limit.

also xd le epic meme
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 10:05:04 PM by Master Matthew² »

Uh... anyway...

Bill C-45, the recreational marijuana bill has officially passed and received royal ascent! The date of its official coming into effect (including dispensaries opening up to the public) is October 17th of this year.

We're the first of the G7 to officially embrace it and reap all of the benefits. Here's to hoping others will follow!

yeah i saw that. now trudeau isn't breaking the law when he's blowin fumes all day 😂
nah it's actually pretty great. hopefully it'll give y'all a good economic boost so you can build a wall to keep us out

well then, paint me interested