
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2348517 times)

you're not funny
it's only funny when you can realize the post is of the same quality as the discussion on these pages

well no stuff they’d tax you for it. the government doesn’t just magically attain large portions of money, and a new deal-esque project needs a good deal of funding. the main point they were trying to make is that it’s an investment which will save a solid chunk of money in the future. no need to scream “muh socialism” just because they’re preventing people’s lives to be ruined by societal change

If you defend or support the New Green Deal you are genuinely braindead

There is literally no defense of this pointless, wasteful bill that would do nothing but ensure the US becomes a literal stuffhole within a year

You dumbasses act like raising taxes to support stupid stuff like this works. No the forget it does not. You know what happens when you raise taxes? Literally richard all. Rich people barely pay taxes as is because they're so high when you're in that tax bracket, they have to convince them to pay with loopholes and tax breaks so they don't ship their money overseas and forget off. So you end up taxing the middle class, because the poor are too loving poor to pay any taxes, and the rich barely pay because they can actually afford to not keep their money here in the states. So you're expecting the average citizen to fund a program that would:
Eliminate air travel
Eliminate farting cows
Free college uwu
Free money for those unwilling to work
Increase wages (so we can all pay $10 for a cup of coffee at starbucks while jerking off into our latte's about socialism)
etc etc

This bill was so handicapped they scrubbed it off their website and tried to act like it didn't happen. forget off with this gay stuff. You guys are exhausting.
Oh, and btw, it's not an investment that will save money in the future. It will forget us until we're left bleeding from our gaping starfishs lmao

If you defend or support the New Green Deal you are genuinely braindead

There is literally no defense of this pointless, wasteful bill that would do nothing but ensure the US becomes a literal stuffhole within a year

You dumbasses act like raising taxes to support stupid stuff like this works. No the forget it does not. You know what happens when you raise taxes? Literally richard all. Rich people barely pay taxes as is because they're so high when you're in that tax bracket, they have to convince them to pay with loopholes and tax breaks so they don't ship their money overseas and forget off. So you end up taxing the middle class, because the poor are too loving poor to pay any taxes, and the rich barely pay because they can actually afford to not keep their money here in the states. So you're expecting the average citizen to fund a program that would:
Eliminate air travel
Eliminate farting cows
Free college uwu
Free money for those unwilling to work
Increase wages (so we can all pay $10 for a cup of coffee at starbucks while jerking off into our latte's about socialism)
etc etc

This bill was so handicapped they scrubbed it off their website and tried to act like it didn't happen. forget off with this gay stuff. You guys are exhausting.
Oh, and btw, it's not an investment that will save money in the future. It will forget us until we're left bleeding from our gaping starfishs lmao

If it happens on a state level it can happen on a larger scale

You can pull data for anything saying it's true or false, but logic would dictate if you try to tax people exorbitant amounts, people who can just... leave, they will. Companies do it by putting their HQs in different countries to skirt US corporate taxes. It's not rocket science. You can say they won't, but precedents are in place for it to happen. So I really don't give a stuff what the Guardian has to say on this.

raising taxes is useless. instead they should just cancel gratuitous tax-funded projects like the construction of a second border wall and use lord knows how much money saved to cleaning up bodies of water and research on how better to eliminate consumer waste in safer ways. peak energy efficiency already exists and its called nuclear power and we have a forgetton of that powering all of our grids so we don't need anymore until we find an even more efficient power source like dark matter or some dumbstuff.

deus ex is pretty much right about taxes. anyone who has enough money to pay that much in taxes also has enough money to pay a quarter of that to avoid paying such high taxes in the first place. it really just hurts middle and lower class more or does nothing at all and its not like anyone would ever vote for it because the very people voting for it would be hurt by it anyways
« Last Edit: February 13, 2019, 09:10:32 AM by PhantOS »

peak energy efficiency already exists and its called nuclear power and we have a forgetton of that powering all of our grids so we don't need anymore until we find an even more efficient power source like dark matter or some dumbstuff.

Nuclear power is one of the stupidest ideas since people first had ideas effective or not
« Last Edit: February 13, 2019, 11:27:47 AM by Mardalf »

Nuclear power is one of the stupidest ideas since people first had ideas effective or not
its literally the most sustainable, safest, cost and energy efficient power sources on the planet. the only catch is disposal of spent cores, and im sure a solution could be found to that. i dont know how its supposed to be stupider than igniting combustible hydrocarbons- which produce airborne waste that is impossible to clean
« Last Edit: February 13, 2019, 01:02:50 PM by PhantOS »

Yes, because they're going to admit to money laundering.

Assuming you still have one, use your brain and think before just going with an article.

This is the equivalent of "Statistics show crimes against humanity in North Korea are low contradicting Humanitarian claims."

No stuff, why would they admit to doing illegal activities just to prove a point.

Nuclear power is one of the stupidest ideas since people first had ideas effective or not

lol, monday WHAT

Nuclear power is one of the stupidest ideas since people first had ideas effective or not


Nuclear power is one of the stupidest ideas since people first had ideas effective or not
sorry i dont speak with anyone with a higher chromosome count than me

We must all unite against the anti nuclear power globalists

One thing we can all agree on at least lmfao idk what this brother is on about

Nuclear's the best we got atm