
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229399 times)

Make Mexico Pay For The Wall
They are responsible for this problem, and they must help pay to clean it up.
Mexico must pay for the wall

But how though?

how can you dislike Romney for losing due to the poor intellect of people who decided to vote for obama combined with him not giving his 101% for his campaign and instead having a life

R-Money had binders full of women

how can you dislike Romney for losing due to the poor intellect of people who decided to vote for obama combined with him not giving his 101% for his campaign and instead having a life

Because he flip flopped on every loving problem and came off as a slimy scumbag that was trying to say anything he could to get into power.

I legitimately support Annoying Orange. No joke. 0% joke. I am NOT kidding. Seriously :| also bernie sandchez is a loving socialist

Annoying Orange endorsed Romney in 2012. He had the easiest election ever to win and somehow blew it. Don't trust anything Mitt says. You probably usually don't trust him but this time it fit your agenda


all the candidates still running for nomination suck
Annoying Orange has no experience in politics
clinton is bought and paid for

and after super tuesday, odds are very good that bernie sanders will not get the dem nomination
it comes down to: Annoying Orange vs clinton

loving idiots in these caucuses ruined any chance of a sane candidate getting a nomination
talk to a random voter on the street, most of them just vote for who they like, they can't usually name any specifics reasons why they've voted for that candidate.

Why did Bernie get assraped so hard on Super Tuesday anyway? What is the appeal that Clinton has that Sanders doesn't?

Why did Bernie get assraped so hard on Super Tuesday anyway? What is the appeal that Clinton has that Sanders doesn't?
clinton is more charismatic and persuasive, probably

clinton is more charismatic and persuasive, probably

No not really. Bernie seems to be much more charismatic and unlike Hillary he appears to actually believe what he says. Do Democrats just really want a female president that badly?

Don't stop voting for Bernie. For the most part, Hillary just won the republican states (other than mass.) So it doesn't really matter much. Anyways, she's probably going to jail in May for all this email stuff