
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227291 times)

My only beef is that the attitude towards protesting/rioting involves a huge degree of confirmation bias. All the people who complain endlessly about BLM riots seem to turn a blind eye whenever there's a sports riot. So does that mean that football scores are more riot-worthy than police brutality and mass-incarceration?

I don't support rioting in any fashion, but the hypocrisy here is palpable.
I tend to agree, but specifically the black community had been producing evidence of aggressive police behavior since at least the 1990s when people started to pay (a small amount of, though widely swept under the rug) attention to the crack epidemic and gang shootings. Americans tend to assume incorrectly that after the 1960's the civil rights movement ended and the violence against racial minorities died down (or that there was only that big push for equal rights by MLK). It's more accurate to see the civil rights movement as ongoing.

As a Bostonian, we had our sports riots after the Red Sox world series in 2004 (multiple injuries reported and specifically the death of an Emerson student). But we also had the Busing CrCIA which is still a gigantic stain on Boston. We even executed Sacco and Vanzetti based on dubious testimony, the judge was on record for having a predisposed negative opinion of immigrants (and due to a unique Massachusetts law, presided over the Appeals and denied them outright), and the fact they were Italians who supported anarchists in Italy (because they were destitute poor and it was the 1920's when anarchy made sense to the people on the margin). Compare the legacy of the later two and you realize we're still regarded as one of the most tribal cities in the North.

e: wee bit of editing
« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 02:18:08 PM by Ronin »

where can i catch more of these riot videos

I also have to park next to a guy with blue lives matter stickers all over his toyota camry, and a ford f-150 with a "It's NOT tribal it's Heritage" CSA flag bolted to his truckbed lmao.

I also have to park next to a guy with blue lives matter stickers all over his toyota camry, and a ford f-150 with a "It's NOT tribal it's Heritage" CSA flag bolted to his truckbed lmao.
a      m      e      r      i      c      a

yea but the rioting is certainly having more of an effect, isnt it?
the louder minority strikes again

it's racial because they do it for racial reasons
Lol, bullstuff. If a predominantly black crowd protested about tennis, the news would still turn it into a story about 'rioting blacks'.

You might see race as like, context for the issue, but people here on the forums and the US in general see it as the cause of the issue. If you can't agree with that, I don't know what forums you've been browsing.

please learn to rise above the SJW style of arguing where you covertly call everyone tribal because "muh duble stnderds"
tbh I don't think I've even used the word 'tribal' on this forum in like weeks/months. At least not directed towards a forum user. It's definitely an SJW-trope to over-label, but I think I've been pretty good at attacking arguments rather than people. Just my opinion.

not really? breaking windows isn't affecting anything other than repair costs.

yeah that ain't that big of a deal

they only have to pay for stuff they didn't break because of a bunch of man-children who can't get what they want every single moment of every day decided to show how much of their brains are made of afterbirth and attack people and their businesses for no loving discernable reason

totally fair

Lol, bullstuff. If a predominantly black crowd protested about tennis, the news would still turn it into a story about 'rioting blacks'.
i would like an example of something not being about race and the headline still includes "black protesters/rioters"

i would like an example of something not being about race and the headline still includes "black protesters/rioters"
Well I'll meet you halfway.

Annoying Orange is bad
*cracks snake* say that to my face;.. tough guy

Annoying Orange is bad

I kinda need to get my opinion out even though this is the worst place to do it.

Continuing, my biggest beef against Annoying Orange is his stance on climate change. His influence and ignorance has the ability to kill the planet even faster than the rate it is now. Beating a dead horse, politicians who are against the idea of climate change have oil companies hands' all over their richards, and they really only care about their wealth rather than the only place in the universe where we can live. Your money won't matter when earth is kill.

Oh yeah and there is the stuff about defunding the NEA, NEH, and Planned Parenthood that really peeves me. But hey I'm a leftist hack who cares.

i would like an example of something not being about race and the headline still includes "black protesters/rioters"

Flint is pretty much an all-black city, and the protests were about water and poverty, not race. Admittedly this article is tribal for more reasons than the headline, but the same story was picked up by half a dozen other news sites as well.

And I love you SeventhSandwich