
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2231927 times)

The real winner of this election are all the ANTIFA guys I can now legally hit with my car.

"You're Welcome, America"

538 electoral votes
its been 8 months grow the forget up you child

How have politics in the irl affected the ethics in gaming journalism though? Have we forgotten that both women and gamers are the scourge of the loving planet and we should do something to stop them from spreading fake news?

I'm a gamer

Which means I hate women and minorities

i'm a woman, which means i hate gamers and majorities

2002 was around the time we saw a sharp increase in women and gamers, now I'm not saying that there's a conspiracy going on but I am saying there is more women and gamers alive today than there was pre-9/11

This leaves me to believe that there might be some (((trickery))) going on with the ethics in gaming journalism, those 19 hijackers all had about 50k in gamerscore between them and one of them was openly trans, therefore he thought he was a woman. This proves that gamers and 'women' are planning to forget up society via terror tactics.

UPDATE: And only MEN died in the 9/11 terror attacks. This is starting to drag the Global Zionist Feminist Collective into the mix, it's all coming together and it's no longer a coincidence...

UPDATE 2: I looked through my files again and have further proof it was a biased attack against men.

Women were seen placing thermite explosives in key points of the North and South tower, and later WTC 7. There is proof backing this claim up from the early days of women being given rights

They were [wrongfully] trusted enough with being taught how to make and use explosives by their male employers, decades later the GZFC finally struck back by destroying the two largest phallic symbols in New York City. Unfortunately for them, they picked the same exact day the 19 hijackers did and it was, dare I say it, a complete coincidence put into motion by meme magic.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 06:36:52 PM by Krupp Lancaster »

at least hillary was ridiculed for memes

Yeah because her memes were utter stuff and she was extremely out of touch
"Pokemon GO to the polls"
"Pepe is a hate symbol"
so on and so forth

maybe he should, like, stop attacking people posting memes on twitter and act like a president? or whatever

Sorry but lesbians don't get to have opinions here so get out

https://twitter.com/realDonaldAnnoying Orange/status/881503147168071680

loving madmam lmao