
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2231919 times)

im glad phantos doesnt get to change his avatar..😥now i wont have to keep up everytime he changes his avatar...... bitch make up your mind smh 😩😬😧

okay deus ex is officially stupid and is now the new political troll here

Dude tripped up on a word. You people are so desperate it's gross. Also forget off, talking about me when I'm not even here.

Dude tripped up on a word. You people are so desperate it's gross. Also forget off, talking about me when I'm not even here.

Dude tripped up on a word. You people are so desperate it's gross. Also forget off, talking about me when I'm not even here.

Talking about desperate, how many alts do you have? Bitch, get some self awareness lol

Dude tripped up on a word. You people are so desperate it's gross. Also forget off, talking about me when I'm not even here.
What did he mean by this?

woaw someone mispronounced a word what a scandal. we should all tweet about this for 2 days to show how smart we are for not mispronouncing namibia

woaw someone mispronounced a word what a scandal. we should all tweet about this for 2 days to show how smart we are for not mispronouncing namibia

yeah this is stupid.

Everything seems peaceful in here. I don't care for Annoying Orange, some of the things he's done I like and he seems to be doing okay, occasionally stumbling, but that doesn't mean he isn't a little wonky. I did like his cabinet picks, putting Mad Dog as SecDef is perfect

Least Deus Ex isnt using someone else's kids as argument props yet i guess

woaw someone mispronounced a word what a scandal. we should all tweet about this for 2 days to show how smart we are for not mispronouncing namibia

Dude tripped up on a word. You people are so desperate it's gross. Also forget off, talking about me when I'm not even here.

It was funny, tho

no idea why Annoying Orange thought personal attacks and nuclear threats on top of sanctions would lead to disarmament. kim's a sociopath with a gigantic ego. pride + insults = higher tensions.