
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229371 times)


deaths are low and power production is high but as soon as a forgetup happens a MASSIVE amount of land is contaminated for hundreds of thousands of years and the water and food is all at risk for hundreds of miles around it

deaths are low and power production is high but as soon as a forgetup happens a MASSIVE amount of land is contaminated for hundreds of thousands of years and the water and food is all at risk for hundreds of miles around it
except a forgetup happens literally once every two years and usually something really minor. for the great amount of energy nuclear produces it's absolutely worth investing more and more into nuclear. i mean hell nuclear is already powering most of france right now with only a single accident in 2011, which was low damage

id rather push towards fusion if we want to stay in the nuclear realm

the only forgetups anyone remembers were caused by commies and the japanese. coincidence?

i live right near a nuclear plant and it never once exploded so i feel pretty good about them in general i think

i live right near a nuclear plant and it never once exploded so i feel pretty good about them in general i think

how funny would it be if this was your last post

Chernobyl was because they were doing pretty much everything wrong, ignoring safeties, while possibly drunk.
Fukushima was damaged by an earthquake and tsunami.

Nuclear reactors are very carefully designed not to explode. Nuclear bombs have to be carefully designed specifically to explode, radioactive materials aren't explosive by themselves.

where do they put all the waste?
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 08:06:09 PM by PhantOS »

Chernobyl was because they were doing pretty much everything wrong, ignoring safeties, while possibly drunk.
Fukushima was damaged by an earthquake and tsunami.

Nuclear reactors are very carefully designed not to explode. Nuclear bombs have to be carefully designed specifically to explode, radioactive materials aren't explosive by themselves.

trust me i know, i soaked up chernobyl and fukushima info and documentaries and articles like a sponge for years

you have to understand the corporate corruption inside the US nuclear plants

there are extremely tight regulations, but the companies that own the plants stretch them to their breaking point, cutting corners wherever they can without triggering the NRC

the problem with fukushima was not an earthquake and tsunami as all the other plants survived it

the problem was the companies that owned it ignoring MULTIPLE warnings to raise the sea-wall because it would cost them too much money

the plants were completely safe and under control after the earthquake until the tsunami hit

where do they put all the waste?

well it was being stored in the yucca mountain repository 2000 feet underground 100 miles into the middle of a barren wasteland, but due to infinite wisdom was closed under obama for political reasons and now plants are forced to store it above ground in concrete and steel casks on site

well it was being stored in the yucca mountain repository 2000 feet underground 100 miles into the middle of a barren wasteland, but due to infinite wisdom was closed under obama for political reasons and now plants are forced to store it above ground in concrete and steel casks on site

maybe a better idea would be to produce power from sources that dont produce waste that remains extremely dangerous for hundreds of thousands of years

well it was being stored in the yucca mountain repository 2000 feet underground 100 miles into the middle of a barren wasteland, but due to infinite wisdom was closed under obama for political reasons and now plants are forced to store it above ground in concrete and steel casks on site
that sounds like a good idea. better to keep waste contained then to just shove it into the dirt

that sounds like a good idea. better to keep waste contained then to just shove it into the dirt

except when the above ground casks explode instead of being stored in a secure federal facility one thousand feet underground and one thousand feet above the water table one hundred miles from civilization, permanently isolated from the biosphere and not easily subject to foreign interference or using the wrong type of cat litter

should note this screwup was in another facility that stores the materials underground, but because it's still relatively near a city the screwup costed half a billion in cleanup and closed it for 3 years

e: spelling
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 08:30:41 PM by Kearn »